lmarazzo VIP
Total posts: 98
01 Окт 2017 18:51

![44 PM]( https://adwsfiles.s3.amazonaws.com/test/2017-10/1506908053_Screen Shot 2017-10-01 at 6.32.44 PM.png) ![40 AM]( https://adwsfiles.s3.amazonaws.com/test/2017-10/1506908080_Screen Shot 2017-10-01 at 11.42.40 AM.png)


We are trying to configure stripe on our site. we get the following error: No such plan: 33-1997 I configured with Secret key and with private keys plus the webhook as explained in the download stripe page. Let me know is there's anything I need to do. my Stripe account is linked to my bank, and everything has been approved and such. I also tried making other keys but the plugin keeps rejecting them. https://onlinemusicguild.com/index.php/en/signature-webinars.html?view=empayment& ;id=33&sid=33

Последние изменения: 02 Окт 2017

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