lmarazzo VIP
Total posts: 98
02 Сен 2017 21:43


Trying to format this page:

https://ascoltando.org/index.php/donations.html?view=empayment& ;sid=6

I would like that the "Modify Contribution" button was in line with the field where the dollar amount is set. I do not know how to touch the php file to make it look aligned.

Problem solved. Look at part two about the "Donation" Module thnks

Последние изменения: 21 Сен 2017

lmarazzo VIP
Total posts: 98
05 Сен 2017 17:38

look also at https://ascoltando.org/index.php/events/si-plans.html?view=empayment& ;sid=1 The "donate" Module on the right position is for some reason brought to the bottom when a user is not logged in. Thanks

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
05 Сен 2017 22:24

lmarazzo The "donate" Module on the right position is for some reason brought to the bottom when a user is not logged in. Thanks

Hello, on first sight I have noticed Bootstrap2 SPAN classes: span9 for main/left content and span3 for right content... But there is also a ROW-FLUID on the main content DIV!? Which is strange:


But also hence the markup and HTML DIV structure:
For some reason the right sidebar is INSIDE the MAIN div.
Makes no sense at all, at least with the current bootstrap SPAN's logic.


Do you have a custom empayment template? Or modified something else?

Total posts: 13,748
11 Сен 2017 04:00

Pepperstreet does not see your private message. Better exchange emails.

lmarazzo VIP
Total posts: 98
11 Сен 2017 15:59

lmarazzo @ gmail . com

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
16 Сен 2017 23:37

sorry, I did not notice your comment earlier. Did you try to contact me via mail?

lmarazzo VIP
Total posts: 98
18 Сен 2017 06:11

no, what is your email?

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
18 Сен 2017 12:58

lmarazzo brought to the bottom when a user is not logged in

Issue shows up for guests only?
What does it look like for registered users?

Just guessing: Probably a view template or module layout misses an important DIV...
The browser tries to parse and repair what he gets. That might result in a strange, but working structure.

lmarazzo VIP
Total posts: 98
18 Сен 2017 14:14

joomlashine added code in the custom.css to fix it. I need you for other issues email me lmarazzo @ gmail . com

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