lmarazzo VIP
Total posts: 98
15 Март 2017 21:51

The most stupid question in the world hahah! We want to change the size of the paypal button we have uploaded to substitute the paypal gateway button. The ideal width would be 366px since that is the size of the image... but it does not respond to mobiles. Regardless... we looked everywhere in the default.php to see what we can do with this and we failed.

So the question: How do we change the width of the immage that currently is always loaded at 210px. We want to make it be at 366px and for mobiles go to 308.

Here's a picture of what we're aiming for

https://onlinemusicguild.com/index.php/en/learn.html?view=empayment& ;sid=2 Screen Shot 2017-03-15 at 3.00.24 PM paypal1

Последние изменения: 21 Март 2017

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
17 Март 2017 20:39

lmarazzo The most stupid question in the world hahah!

Not at all ;) There seems to be an inline CSS style, to get a fixed width container for the image. Probably it would get stretched to 100% of the available width…

CSS to override inline styles

#formsubscr .btn.btn-link[style] {
    width: auto !important;

or maybe this

button[data-payment-gateway="paypal"] {
    width: auto !important;

I guess, it should behave "responsive".
If the default image width is too large, you might replace the auto with your max pixel size.

Add either rule to your custom.css.

lmarazzo VIP
Total posts: 98
20 Март 2017 19:00

nope, i did not work out. In firebug I see the modification including the "Pay with PayPal" at the bottom... so the image can not be selected alone. https://onlinemusicguild.com/index.php/en/signature-webinars.html?view=empayment& ;sid=27 Here's an example


pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
21 Март 2017 02:33

lmarazzo nope, i did not work out.

Apparently there is a small syntax error in your custom.css
Check around line 43 …
A closing } is missing.

lmarazzo VIP
Total posts: 98
21 Март 2017 22:43

You are a gentleman and a scholar! It works now!!!

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