lmarazzo VIP
Total posts: 98
04 Сен 2016 17:12

The following set of code that displays the coupon code discount information is braking the checout page

Example https://www.onlinemusicguild.com/index.php/learn.html?view=empayment& ;sid=2

TEST: I eliminated the entire string and the plan displays. coupon code is applied and it works but it does not show the description of the code the % or amount saved. The calculation at the end does display the correct amount after coupon.

This is in line 119 of file: components/com_emerald/views/empayment/tmpl/default.php

                    <?php echo JText::_('E_COUPON'); ?>
                    <small><?php echo JText::sprintf('EM_COUPON_TYPE_' . $this->coupon->discount_type,
                            $this->coupon->discount, '<span class="label label-success">' . $this->coupon->value . '</span>',
<<<<<<< HEAD
                            EmeraldApi::getPrice($this->coupon->discount, $this->plan->params)); ?></small>
                            $this->plan->params->get('properties.currency', 'USD')); ?></small>
>>>>>>> 20fd07ba971576dc4c137d9e282ea75332336351
                <td>-<?php echo EmeraldApi::getPrice($this->coupon->discount_total, $this->plan->params); ?></td>

Последние изменения: 11 Сен 2016

Total posts: 13,748
09 Сен 2016 08:35

OPc!! I have fixed this and will update in few munits.

lmarazzo VIP
Total posts: 98
11 Сен 2016 06:02


Работает на Cobalt