lmarazzo VIP
Total posts: 98
01 Фев 2017 19:49

Simply that, the loggin menu has all the modules assigned (Promo, Menu, footer, a little one in the sticky-right-middle) but is not being displayed in the front end. Except for the menu bar (just the bar not the buttons) and it just appears in FireFox but not in Chrome. See attached file.

The site is www.onlinemusicguild.com

find this menu in: ONLINE MUSIC GUILD -> MU ACCOUNT

We are not sure if this is an emerald issue. We already posted the same ticket in joomla shine, but as they are taking so much time to give us strong info I post here just for cover all possibilities. asdasdasd

Последние изменения: 27 Апр 2017

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
01 Фев 2017 23:37

Hello lmarazzo, I believe I have already answered in your other topic. The issue is the login URL you are redirected to.
In short: It is NOT the login menuItem URL. Otherwise it would have a correct SEF-URL and internally the same MenuItem ID. This menuItem ID is crucial for your module assignment and display.

Where does your current re-direct URL come from? Maybe the Emerald global config? Check the "login URL" parameter.

lmarazzo VIP
Total posts: 98
27 Апр 2017 06:10


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