gteigland VIP
Total posts: 159
11 Июль 2016 20:37

I have some really weird stuff happening with my cobalt filter module

  1. Everytime i go to the home page on whether I refresh or go incognitio.. not matte what a filter already shows up under my field manufacturer -- see screenshot: I try clearing cache everthing and it always shows up automaticallly without me typing anything.
  2. When I select and searh for example I'll type in manufactur Acro Scientific and hit searc h button I get the number 26 showing up with it -- makes no sense. See screenshot
  3. Then if i got to other pages the entire manufacture field is missing.

I've upgraded to the latest full version with all the fields so I know that is not the issue. Please advise. Thanks!

Последние изменения: 02 Авг 2016

gteigland VIP
Total posts: 159
12 Июль 2016 02:04

Here is some more info. When I go to my blog then it disapeears. ;view=category&layout=blog&id=8&Itemid=163

NOt really sure why it shows on home but then disappears on blog -- even though there are no cobalt records on either page.

Total posts: 13,748
12 Июль 2016 13:46

When you use filter module you have to turn off filter is advanced search. When same filters are on the same page JS gets errors.

gteigland VIP
Total posts: 159
12 Июль 2016 14:22

Ive looked at the module and specific field settings and I dont see anywhere in how to "turn off filter is advanced search" i dont see any "advanced Search" option. Thanks

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
12 Июль 2016 15:03

gteigland I dont see anywhere in how to "turn off filter is advanced search" i dont see any "advanced Search" option

The usual advanced filters above the listing can be turned off here:

Your Section -> General Parameters -> Templates -> Markup layout -> default or yourTemplate (edit button)


gteigland VIP
Total posts: 159
13 Июль 2016 04:13

Thanks that solved most of the issues but I still I have one remaining: On my page when I first visit one of the results is still locked on as i mentioned before.

I never type this in but it always shows when I first visit the page. I've cleared by cache and tried private browsing:

gteigland VIP
Total posts: 159
14 Июль 2016 20:28

Unfortunately I realize now THIS DID NOT WORK AT ALL. I shut all of it off as you mentioned above. Please advise... As I really need this to function properly so users can search. ;view=record&id=29:mck-235code&Itemid=127

Also the screen shot:


pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
14 Июль 2016 22:59

gteigland ;view=record&id=29:mck-235code&Itemid=127

I can see your issue on the full view only. The section list and a fresh search seem to work though.

I have made some quick tests with my own demo and "Downloads" section. Hidden/disabled Advanced Filters in Section's markup template. Published "Filters module" with standard settings and default layout. Also tried some searches and different field filter styles. Everything works. Even on record full-views.

(latest Joomla 3.6.0, latest Cobalt 8, Protostar template)

gteigland VIP
Total posts: 159
19 Июль 2016 19:46

I appreciate the responses but while i solved most of this there seems to be one more bug. i paid for the full membership on this product so I'm hoping this can be attended to.

on the home page under manufacturer the field shows up fine. BUT on all the other type pages it disappears. For examle these pages it is missing: ;view=records&section_id=2&Itemid=127 ;view=records&section_id=1:manufacturers&Itemid=141 ;view=records&section_id=1:manufacturers&Itemid=141

As you will noticed all 3 of these are different types and while my other field keep showing manufacturer won't and just disappears.

For the databse records to be viable the search module really needs to work properly. I would greatly appreciate some help on this paid product. Thanks!

gteigland VIP
Total posts: 159
19 Июль 2016 20:02

In addition sometimes it will also disappear on the regulalr joomla articles BUT NOT ALL THE TIME -- so there is no consistency

Here's what is really weird when I am logged in as the ADMIN super user it works fine.. but any other user public or registerested it has all these problems. I have NO access settings on this field. It is all visible by public

Please advise.

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
20 Июль 2016 01:49

gteigland it will also disappear on the regulalr joomla articles BUT NOT ALL THE TIME -- so there is no consistency Here's what is really weird when I am logged in as the ADMIN super user it works fine.. but any other user public or registerested it has all these problems. I have NO access settings on this field. It is all visible by public

Indeed, all this sounds really strange.

If everything else works and this issue occurs on that specific field only,
I would try to change the filter input type to another style/template...
Try Select or Checkboxes. Any difference?

gteigland VIP
Total posts: 159
20 Июль 2016 21:08

Yes i tried changing it and it still doesn't work -- can I get some official support on this as a paying member?

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
20 Июль 2016 23:07

gteigland Yes i tried changing it and it still doesn't work --

It is still hidden?

Another general advice:
Always check the issue with less extensions and default Protostar template.
Just to make sure that it is no 3rdparty framework or javascript conflict.
That does help a lot to nail down the problem.

can I get some official support on this as a paying member?

I am sure, Sergey will answer shortly...
Or even check your site with provided login credentials.

(as mentioned before, I can't see your private infos)

gteigland VIP
Total posts: 159
21 Июль 2016 13:03

Yes still hidden. I also tried the default template and still have the same problem. Hopefully soon. Thanks.

gteigland VIP
Total posts: 159
22 Июль 2016 12:33

Ok I"m getting a tad frustrated. You've beeng great for support before but there is an expectation to support bugs in products in the joomla community when you PAY for them. This filter module which really is foundational for any sort of search function does not work properly. Please advise!

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
22 Июль 2016 21:57

gteigland support bugs... search function does not work properly...

I can understand your frustration in regard of a missing comment by Sergey,
but for the time being I can't consider it as a "bug" or "not functional".

Until now, I could not re-create your issue.
I have different test installations, some with less and some with a lot of 3rd-party extensions and almost any major template framework... my Filter modules seem to work properly. No matter in which context I display the module or start a search.

gteigland VIP
Total posts: 159
23 Июль 2016 20:43

This is where i disagree. Bugs do not always appear on just your machine. This is why developers release products to beta to have it be tested in other environments. Joomla itself does this -- before they full release a version they have candidate versions and collect data on any bugs others see and on other machines. So just because it does not happen on your machine with your configuration does not mean it is NOT a bug. That is why I provided my credentials so you can have the opportunity to see the bug in action.

I also might add that mintjoomla did this back in january having a early release candidate and asking for feedback on any bugs that are shown.

Bugs also pop up AFTER releases which is WHY updates are common.

I think anyone in the joomla community would agree with my assessment above.

There is no doubt that this is a bug as I also found that other fields do not always autocomplete on every page. Sometimes it does.. sometimes it doesnt

Again I paid for support by purchasing this product -- I would appreciate someone looking directly using the credentials i provided and instructions versus just tested on your machines.

Thank you.

gteigland VIP
Total posts: 159
23 Июль 2016 20:49

I might also add that the alpha function is not working either. Once I click on a letter -- I cannot click on other letters. It locks on that letter and I have no way off accessing other records with different starting letter.

So if I click on a letter that does not have a record.. it gives me this message -- worse yet I can no longer click on other letters to get access to that alpha listing. In the situation of my camera section -- the whole alpha just disappears because i click on a letter that did not have records. So I cannot access other records now.

Test for yourself here - no login required to see the issue. ;view=records&section_id=1:manufacturers&Itemid=141

Also issue #3 involving search filters -- on the autocomplete field "Lens & Accessories" the autocomplete feature works on the cobalt pages but on regular joomla article pages it does not work. Again please look at the site and see the bug for yourself.

Yes I have changed to the default template and tested it there and the same issue.

So we are talking about 3 different issues involving the filter function on various levels.

Total posts: 13,748
24 Июль 2016 06:26

Unfortunately none of the logins you gave me works. So I could not login to backend.

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
24 Июль 2016 18:41

Hello geteigland, I think you got me wrong. I totally agree with you, that you have an issue on your installation. And I agree with your general opinion on support, bug testing and fixing etc. No questions about that!

gteigland So just because it does not happen on your machine with your configuration does not mean it is NOT a bug.

I was just commenting and telling you my experiences with MANY DIFFERENT installations AND ENVIRONMENTS. I do not talk about a single, local demo! I am working with Joomla for 10+ years, and I have also discovered issues in my projects, that I never could explain logically. Sometimes 2 identical setups behave differently. That's the beauty of the beast, right? ;)

I just wanted to raise the possibility that it might be a specific issue and not necessarily a common bug. In any case, you can be rest assured that Sergey will care about it!

gteigland That is why I provided my credentials so you can have the opportunity to see the bug in action.

If I were an official staff, I would have done that. I can't see your credentials and I have not the extra time for a personal investigation. (Besides the time and testing efforts on my own installations)

gteigland VIP
Total posts: 159
25 Июль 2016 20:47

ok - I appreciate your responses -- hopefully Sergey will take a look at this issues very soon. Thanks again for your further explanation.

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