gteigland VIP
Total posts: 159
10 Июнь 2015 17:04

Im creating a databse for old cameras. I'm thinking of using either the parent/child relation field or the Multiple Level select.

However my client wants to be able to put descriptors for what is chosen that are either hover or linked describring more info information. THIS WOULD BE ON FRONTEND display NOT submission.

So for example my levels would be Kodak/Brownie/Folding Brownie

Then a public user could click/hover on Kodak and get more description on that. Or they could click/hover on "Brownie" and get the description for that for more information.

Is this possible somehow?

Последние изменения: 11 Июнь 2015

Total posts: 13,748
11 Июнь 2015 04:34

I guess you will have limited number of those levels. If so you can do that in custom template. Manually insert descriptions.

For example let's say you use select field. The in select field output template, create new one and insert see what is value and add description acordingly to tooltip or popover.

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