pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
04 Июнь 2015 02:14

Hello gteigland,

if you work with the default submission form template, and want to keep it "untouched"...
You should change it through the Joomla core feature, called language overrides.

  • Go to: Extensions -> Language Manager -> Overrides -> New
  • Search for Special Fields as Value.
  • Your search result will be: CSPECIALFIELD
    This is your required language constant for your new override.
    (Tip: Click on the result, and it fills the form area on the left hand side ;) )
  • Simply enter your own wording in the Text input area.
  • Hit save. Done.

gteigland VIP
Total posts: 159
05 Июнь 2015 13:35

Thanks for the response. Language ovverrides I use often and did that first but it doesn't work.

I created override here:

But you will see in this screenshot it did not take: (I also cleared cache)

Total posts: 13,748
08 Июнь 2015 06:04

That is because in from template I did not use constants just JText::_('Special Fields'). So what you need to do is just add manually to your language file.

SPECIAL FIELDS="Something here"

Manually because Joomla override interface will not allow you to enter whitespace.

gteigland VIP
Total posts: 159
08 Июнь 2015 16:17

That did work. Thank you. But my only concern would be what if one of my users types into their content "Special Fields" wouldn't that change it to my new change which is "Publishing Options"?


pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
08 Июнь 2015 20:07

gteigland what if one of my users types into their content "Special Fields" wouldn't that change it to my new change which is "Publishing Options"?

NP. It does not change any regular content or field value. The translation and override has an effect on terms WITHIN the JTEXT only!

I suppose the next Cobalt update is going to include a correction (language file, default submission form). I mean, it is going to use the correct syntax and constant CSPECIALFIELD instead ;)

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