palmpadds VIP
Total posts: 1
08 Апр 2015 18:19

How does a new subscriber use the coupon code generated by the system for a current subscriber with an MUA plan? The "coupon code" field only appears if I enter a new coupon on the administration side.

Последние изменения: 12 Апр 2015

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
12 Апр 2015 22:43

Hello palmpadds,

good point and find. It seems to be a small feature-bug: The coupon field is hidden, if there is no regular published coupon.
See Emerald Control-Panel -> Coupons.

The MUA coupons are generated automatically, they are just pre-made codes with a 100% discount. They do not appear in the regular coupons manager.

So, if you use MUA only, the coupon field is not visible :(


Create at least 1 regular dummy Coupon. It needs to be published.


Now, the coupon entry field should be there:


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