Total posts: 1
12 Март 2015 14:00


It's about your component Emerald

I want a component for subscriptions on my joomla website and I wonder what are the things that your component can do from this:

  • Upsell before purchase : one or more conditional steps to offer an additional subscription before payment : is it possible?
  • Upsell after purchase : custom confirmation page to offer an additional subscription according to products which have been purchased : is this possible ?
  • Possibility of installing a credit card payment system with a bank ( other than paypal ) : is it possible?
  • Presentation of the price including VAT (this is how we present prices in France) : is it possible?

Thank you very much for your help !

Последние изменения: 26 Янв 2017

Total posts: 13,748
12 Март 2015 15:39

azerti Upsell before purchase : one or more conditional steps to offer an additional subscription before payment : is it possible?

Will be possible in Emerald 10. Right now it is not possible.

azerti Upsell after purchase : custom confirmation page to offer an additional subscription according to products which have been purchased : is this possible ?

The same. Not now. Only in Emerald 10.

Emerald 10 will be released later this fall.

azerti Possibility of installing a credit card payment system with a bank ( other than paypal ) : is it possible?

It is not hard to create integration. We have around 12 of those. What bank in particular? Does this bank has API?

azerti Presentation of the price including VAT (this is how we present prices in France) : is it possible?

New EU 2015 VAT system will be also updated in Emerald 10.

12 Март 2015 15:54

Thanks !

When Emerald 10 will be available ?

Total posts: 13,748
13 Март 2015 00:27

Emerald 10 will be released later this fall.

Total posts: 2
26 Июль 2016 16:40

When a transaction is completed, where is the credit card information stored? Hikashop does not store credit cards. So, the credit card informatino must be stored with the gateway. We use Authorize.Net. Authorize.Net has several variations like CIM. Do we have to use a specific version of Or, will Emerald 9 work with any version?


Total posts: 13,748
27 Июль 2016 09:24

Emerald's payment system works only with off-site payment methods. this is when user enters CC information on gateway site not on Emerald site. So we never even know CC information. If you use Authorize, it is saved by Authorize.

Emerald will work only with SIM. At least Authorize plaugin that is provided by us. If you have 3dp plugin it might work with other methods.

26 Янв 2017 19:11

Not sure I posted my question correctly. Can a FIELD be restricted by the Subscription Component Emerald

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
26 Янв 2017 21:40

Guest Not sure I posted my question correctly. Can a FIELD be restricted by the Subscription Component Emerald

Hello, apparently this comment is in the wrong topic... and is related to this post and user ;)

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