juicydig VIP
Total posts: 16
27 Июнь 2015 12:21

I need to be able to add a user to multi groups so they are able to view content based on that group, Am I able to assign a user to more than one group on registraion/subscription? Are we also able to intergrate the user signup within the subscription process? Lastly is there a way to batch a payment process to all subscriptions rather than adding the payment to each subscription individually?


Последние изменения: 27 Июль 2015

Метки Emerald 10

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
28 Июнь 2015 00:34

juicydig Am I able to assign a user to more than one group on registration/subscription?

After successful subscription, the Action Change User Group can be assigned multiple times, with different settings (see screenshot)


pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
28 Июнь 2015 00:42

juicydig intergrate the user signup within the subscription process?

Yes, you can find details about different methods in this documentation article.

Comments made by Sergey in a related forum topic:

We have 3 ways of Registration

  1. Simple user registration
  2. Registration with plan selector
  3. Registration during subscription, only email required.

There are 2 processes in Emerald

SDR - Subscription During Registration
If in user type Emerald plugin you eneable plan selector, user will be able to select plan on registration form and after submitting form no matter if it required activation or not, he is redirected to payment gateway.

RDS - Registration During Subscription This is our latest invention. If this parameter is turned on in the plan, then on payment confirmation page before payment gateway button clicked, user only need to enter email. Then user account wil be created automaticaly, letter will be sent to user with password. And he will be proseeded to gateway immediately."

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
28 Июнь 2015 00:44

juicydig a way to batch a payment process to all subscriptions rather than adding the payment to each subscription individually?

Sorry, not sure what you mean by that. Can you explain your task and workflow?

juicydig VIP
Total posts: 16
28 Июнь 2015 23:04

Hi thanks for getting back to me, I have tried to add more than one adding to group function, and now it only assigns the user to registered and thats all, if I supply login details to the site are you able to confirm the settings are done correctly?

In relation to my third question, I just want to know if there is a way to apply a payment method to all subscriptions made rather than adding them one by one. The website has 40 different memberships, it would be good if you could just do one payment method for all rather than having to set it up for each individual subscription.

Total posts: 13,748
29 Июнь 2015 04:30

juicydig Hi thanks for getting back to me, I have tried to add more than one adding to group function, and now it only assigns the user to registered and thats all, if I supply login details to the site are you able to confirm the settings are done correctly?

It will not work if you assing plan for user as admin. Actions are triggered only when user itself on the page. SO if you assign as admin, after creating user subscription, open any page of your website as user for whom subscription was set and actions will be triggered.

juicydig In relation to my third question, I just want to know if there is a way to apply a payment method to all subscriptions made rather than adding them one by one. The website has 40 different memberships, it would be good if you could just do one payment method for all rather than having to set it up for each individual subscription.

Unfortunately there is no way to configure all plans at once. But that is good feature. Perhaps I can add it in Emerald 10.

Total posts: 13,748
01 Июль 2015 15:50

pepperstreet Apart from a batch or mass tool, what about Plans parent/child hierarchy?

I do not see any sense in plan hierarchy if it is only used to inherit parameters. If there would be any other practical application, then it would make more sense.

juicydig VIP
Total posts: 16
12 Июль 2015 11:00
  1. I need a guest user to be able to purchase a subscription, however on checkout, when the email address is filled in it comes up with a error *Field Required: Bill To. Am I able to bring the standard joomla registration into this page? - http://www.betjam.com.au/dev/subscribe/all-sports.html?view=empayment& ;sid=23

  2. On the standard joomla registration, the select a subscription plan comes up but no options are showing - http://www.betjam.com.au/dev/my-account/user-profile.html?view=registration

Total posts: 13,748
14 Июль 2015 06:16

juicydig I need a guest user to be able to purchase a subscription, however on checkout, when the email address is filled in it comes up with a error *Field Required: Bill To. Am I able to bring the standard joomla registration into this page? - http://www.betjam.com.au/dev/subscribe/all-sports.html?view=empayment& ;sid=23

This is one small problem. You see RDS1 is designed for most simple engagement of the user. You only enter email - that is it. But if you enable invoice in Emerald plan then we have a conflict. Bill to address cannot me entered with user to be loggedin.

And if we bring whole registration to plan purchase it is not different than SDR2 and can simply user registration page to do that.

juicydig On the standard joomla registration, the select a subscription plan comes up but no options are showing - http://www.betjam.com.au/dev/my-account/user-profile.html?view=registration

Try not to cache your scripts in template. Something wrong there.

- 1 - RDS (Registration During Subscription) - 2 - SDR (Subscription During Registration)

Total posts: 13,748
23 Июль 2015 16:31

So all you need is for user to be able to enter not only email but also username?

juicydig VIP
Total posts: 16
27 Июль 2015 02:40

That is correct yes (user to be able to choose username and login), and for the packages to show on the user registration page, as no subscriptions are showing currently - http://www.betjam.com.au/dev/my-account/user-profile.html?view=registration

Total posts: 13,748
27 Июль 2015 05:49

For plan selection on registration page I made some changes. But I could not test it as it is working even without changes locally just fine. So, let's see.

Fo name and username, I might add some parameters. I just need more time for that.

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