Total posts: 3
13 Март 2015 03:57

I'm a little confused and wondering if anyone can help...

How can you customise the calendar in the following ways? - Stop it defaulting in display to Aug 2013 - Change the styling so menus don't display just as white with unreadable text and all that sit in an unreadable brown box? - Set up own categories and icons? - Stop display issues where menu drop downs get cut off and don't behave correctly and icons are cropped?

My install link is here:

Otherwise, looks like a great tool, I just hope I can get it working effectively or going to have to forfeit the $15 and use something else.


Последние изменения: 06 Июнь 2015

Total posts: 13,748
13 Март 2015 04:10

martyn Stop it defaulting in display to Aug 2013

See template parameters

martyn Change the styling so menus don't display just as white with unreadable text and all that sit in an unreadable brown box?

I cannot get what you mean. Can you attach screenshot?

martyn Set up own categories and icons?

You can create categories in section. Where do you want to show icons?

martyn Stop display issues where menu drop downs get cut off and don't behave correctly and icons are cropped?

Again cannot get it. Where menu gets cut off? Which menu? Please add screenshot.

Total posts: 3
13 Март 2015 06:21

Thanks for the quick reply...

When I go into template in the back end, the hyperlink for calendar does nothing so not sure what might be wrong there. Have attached the menu issues below. maybe a css issue from the site template?



pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
13 Март 2015 11:20

Hello martyn, definitely a serious issue with your template's CSS.


Cobalt appearance and visual style depends on the Twitter Bootstrap v2 framework. Which also powers the Joomla backend and the default template "Protostar" in frontend. "Bootstrap" is needed for the basic styling and positioning!

Questions / Suggestions

1) Which site template/framework do you use?
Either it lacks Bootstrap v2 or it loads a different incompatible version.

2) Check and report all CSS files that are loaded.

3) If you have to stick with your template for any particular reason, you might try to enable Cobalt's Template Compatibility mode. See respective parameter in Cobalt's global Config.

Total posts: 3
06 Июнь 2015 03:53

Hi, have changed template to one from YooTheme and seems to be clearer now.

I asked how I stop the calendar defaulting to Aug 2013 and you responded as below:

_ martyn Stop it defaulting in display to Aug 2013

See template parameters_

I am looking under the template setting in Cobalt 8 and I really cannot get what you are pointing to. Can you explain?

Also, is it possible to select the default format - eg week, month, year, so it loads to that or have it load the year view above the month view so people can easily look across a whole year and month at once?


pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
06 Июнь 2015 14:28

martyn I am looking under the template setting in Cobalt 8 and I really cannot get what you are pointing to. Can you explain? ... is it possible to select the default format - eg week, month, year, so it loads to that...

Goto Your Section -> Tab General Parameters -> Templates -> Record list -> (click small button with gear icon)


  1. You can set and enable a default view (only one at a time).
  2. You can set a specific start date or use the keyword now


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