Total posts: 2
01 Апр 2015 20:25


I just installed


to set up a Subscription base plan on my website Using Joomla 3.4

I tried to follow your "Emerald Quick Start" guide but I am not able to set up any Menu items, I do have the plugin Enabled. When I visit my Hikashop admin area i get these errors.

Warning: include_once(/home3/wolfgan6/public_html/ failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home3/wolfgan6/public_html/ on line 13

Warning: include_once(): Failed opening '/home3/wolfgan6/public_html/' for inclusion (include_path='.:/opt/php54/lib/php') in /home3/wolfgan6/public_html/ on line 13

thank you for the help

Последние изменения: 07 Апр 2015

Total posts: 1,113
02 Апр 2015 12:13

Have you install emerald component?

Total posts: 2
02 Апр 2015 15:53

This may sound like a dumb question, but do I also need to purchase the Package - Emerald? is that the component you are referig too? I purchased the HikaShop Action Files. Where do I download the Component?


pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
07 Апр 2015 19:15

luwes2000 I purchased the HikaShop Action Files.

Actions belong to the Emerald AddOns. They can't work standalone.

Where do I download the Component?

You have to buy Emerald, or a subscription package.

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