Total posts: 2
05 Фев 2015 17:34

Hi Mintjoomla,

I would like to set up a form on my website that Members can fill out then have the details posted to the site. I have tried setting it up but am having several issues.

1) Must I use Captcha? I don't want to.

2) Can I have the Job Posting Form on one page and member submissions appear on another page?

3) I do not wish to display the tab called "Main" or the input field "Title*". How can I get rid of them?

4) I would like to only have one button at the bottom of my form that says "Submit Job Posting", not the 4 options of Apply, Save & Close, Save & New, & Cancel

5) Is there a way to validate that someone has entered the proper format for their email?

6) When a member submits the form I would like an email sent to a moderator letting them know of the submission. The moderator would then have to approve the submission before it appears on the site. How do I set this up?

I am attaching a screenshot of a form I have been asked to replicate for a client. Is this something I can do with Cobalt? Here is what I've got so far: https://isls.encorelab.org/news/job-postings-cobalt

Screen Shot 2015-02-05 at 12.09.11 PM

Many thanks :)

Последние изменения: 06 Фев 2015

Total posts: 2
05 Фев 2015 21:43

After having watched a video of yours on YouTube I figured a few things out. 1) Captcha is gone :) 3) Title & Main tab are gone :) 4) Done

Can you please help with questions 2), 5) & 6)?

Addendum to 6): I have selected myself as the moderator but when I submitted an entry I did not receive the email.

Thanks again!

Total posts: 13,748
06 Фев 2015 07:31

encorelab 2) Can I have the Job Posting Form on one page and member submissions appear on another page?

You mean something like form wizard? I am not sure what you mean. But if you restrict articles submission, then users will forst get to subscritpion page and only then to job posting.

encorelab 5) Is there a way to validate that someone has entered the proper format for their email?

Yes, if you use email field it is automatic. And if you use text field, you can add RegEx validation. I am not an expertr in regex but you can enter something like this


encorelab 6) When a member submits the form I would like an email sent to a moderator letting them know of the submission. The moderator would then have to approve the submission before it appears on the site. How do I set this up?

Any user including moderator may subscripbe to follow section in notification center. Then he will receive notifications on every new article. Also email alerts if cron is configured.

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