Total posts: 2
22 Янв 2015 12:32


Can you please answer me the following ?

1 - Can I create a Multi Step form ? If so, for instance if I have a form with 3 pages (steps) is it possible to save the inserted information between steps to the form database (and not only after reaching the latest page and submitting the entire form) ?

2 - If the previous is possible, If I "go back" to some page on the form will the form fields be still filled with the information I've inserted ?

3 - My goal is to integrate the form with a Joomla user profile. Is is possible that my registred user logs into Joomla and then accesses the some form record that only he or the group he is in already submited ?

4 - I need the logged in frontend user to go tho his personal area and open some page where the form is. If the user already made a submission can I show him the form fields with the previous data he inserted ? If so can he edit those fields and save them again ?

5 - Is it possible to allow forms usage per user our user group ? (say Form1 only person X can sava and edit...)

6 - Is there any way to notificate by email when someone fills a form ?

7 - I would like to know if I can have any type of dynamic fields within my form. Imagine my form asks for my hobbies... Can I add one after another, such as pressing a "plus" sign and a new hobby related field appears for me to insert my other hobby... ?

8 - In order to achieve the previous questions do I need the extension Emerald 9 ?

Thank you very much !

Последние изменения: 18 Сен 2020

Total posts: 13,748
22 Янв 2015 14:52

kinetic 1 - Can I create a Multi Step form ? If so, for instance if I have a form with 3 pages (steps) is it possible to save the inserted information between steps to the form database (and not only after reaching the latest page and submitting the entire form) ?

And if submit fails delete everything. And if user just whent away, create cron job that will clean unsaved data.

This is not very practical. YOu may do step registration just by changing form template. Now you have tabs in template. You can create fields groups and display in tabs. But you can create your own template and groop those in tabs that looks like steps.

Something like this.

kinetic 2 - If the previous is possible, If I "go back" to some page on the form will the form fields be still filled with the information I've inserted ?

Yes because it will happen without page reload and data is still there.

kinetic 3 - My goal is to integrate the form with a Joomla user profile. Is is possible that my registred user logs into Joomla and then accesses the some form record that only he or the group he is in already submited ?

It is possible to restrict only for him or group but Cobalt is not really designed to be profiles of the users. Although some people use it this way.

kinetic 4 - I need the logged in frontend user to go tho his personal area and open some page where the form is. If the user already made a submission can I show him the form fields with the previous data he inserted ? If so can he edit those fields and save them again ?

Yes, with a little custom programming.

kinetic 5 - Is it possible to allow forms usage per user our user group ? (say Form1 only person X can sava and edit...)

Not absolutely clear why? Will you create separate form for every user? I think form is one. All users can acces it. But every user create and acces only his own data he enteretd through the form. You can also limit users to add only one atricle.

kinetic 6 - Is there any way to notificate by email when someone fills a form ?

Yes. ther is notification system built-in to Cobalt.

kinetic 7 - I would like to know if I can have any type of dynamic fields within my form. Imagine my form asks for my hobbies... Can I add one after another, such as pressing a "plus" sign and a new hobby related field appears for me to insert my other hobby... ?

Yes. Users can add their own values to the fields.

kinetic 8 - In order to achieve the previous questions do I need the extension Emerald 9 ?

Until all your site is free to use you do not need Emerald.

Total posts: 2
22 Янв 2015 17:28

Thanks a lot for your answers.

Best Regards !

26 Фев 2015 23:04

Hi, I by means of cobalt can create the similar catalog - ? I am not a programmer

Total posts: 13,748
27 Фев 2015 05:02

Guest Hi, I by means of cobalt can create the similar catalog - ? I am not a programmer

Not exactly bot most of it.

yurysh07 VIP
Total posts: 83
27 Фев 2015 10:46

Thanks. By means of Cobalt it is possible to make sliders of photos and video?

Total posts: 13,748
02 Март 2015 11:48

yurysh07 Thanks. By means of Cobalt it is possible to make sliders of photos and video?

Yes. But you will have to create your own ciustom template. This process is well documented and simple if you know HTML and CSS.

yurysh07 VIP
Total posts: 83
03 Март 2015 10:41


09 Фев 2019 03:00

Hi , 2 questions 1. the directory should be free for all visitors. Every record has to b displayed in 2 instances. The 1st one with just a few shown (l name , address, city , etc ). the 2nd one should be a detail view a this is displayed as long the registered user have paid a subscription. and so on with every record. 2. other feature I need is a powerful stats , not about visits , but about fields in the database like how many "bookstores" are in "Berlin", both fields in the database, obviously. Thanks. Joserra

Total posts: 13,748
10 Фев 2019 13:04

You can easely do first 2 parts. Access free fields in article list and Paid access to full article view where additional fields are shown. You need both Cobalt and Emerald for that.

There is filtering. You can filter and see all articles bookstores in Berlin, but it is not a statistics. It is like advanced search. What you need statistic for?

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