Total posts: 35
01 Янв 2016 13:18

Hi, how can I set "Created field" as a filter? Or Can I do it only with custom date field?

Последние изменения: 29 Янв 2016

Метки Cobalt 9

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
02 Янв 2016 01:38

Hello Lamile,
core record dates have no filters by default. Only sorting.
To display an advanced filter, you would have to use the Date&Time field.

It has specific parameters for filtering:

And parameters to override the core dates, too.


Hope this helps.

Total posts: 35
29 Янв 2016 18:40

And parameters to override the core dates, too.

That's it! It solved my problem. Thank you very much!

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