Total posts: 13,748
06 Фев 2014 13:00


This is a new mintJoomla forum based on Cobalt CCK. While you will use it you will find it awesome. It is pleasure to use.

We have now Markdown editor instead of HTML editor. This is very neat way to format your text. It is used on sites like Github or Stackoverflow. And our editor supports GFM.

Code Highlights

It supports code highlights. When yuo insert code, add language name.

    <title>This is title</title>

And you will get something like this.

   <title>This is title</title>

Or this

.class-name {
    border-width: 1px;
    margin: 0;

You can use css, html, xml, javascript, php and others.

Files upload

You can upload any picture file or zip archive. It will automaticaly get inserted into editor as markdown.

![2014-02-10_11-38-42]( )

And you will get something like this


Последние изменения: 19 Март 2024

Official Answer

Staff can attach official answer. It is simply another field that is accesible only for admins if you are interested how it is done.

Lord_Helmchen VIP
Total posts: 31
02 Март 2014 18:08

Congratulations! The new site looks very good. Have to play a bit around.

Total posts: 13,748
02 Март 2014 18:35

Thank you :)

Lord_Helmchen VIP
Total posts: 31
02 Март 2014 18:42

Support link leads to Transifex. ;-)

Total posts: 13,748
02 Март 2014 19:23

Lord_Helmchen Support link leads to Transifex. ;-)

Ok. That is good. Fixed.

clowride VIP
Total posts: 1,022
02 Март 2014 19:25


Total posts: 13,748
02 Март 2014 19:34


Thank you my friend!

02 Март 2014 22:43


I can change ALL status fields of ALL topics as a GUEST!?!

PS: It's me, pepperstreet writing as guest.

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
02 Март 2014 23:04

Editor Typo Test H1

Headline 2

Headline 3

Headline 4

Headline 5
Headline 6

This is bold text. This italic text. * This is an unordered list item 1 * This is an unordered list item 2 * This is an unordered list item 3

This is a quote.

This is inline code inside a text line.

html What is the meaning of this input dialog? Ah, this is a code block 

Image Upload not working? Got error alert:

There was an error attempting to upload the file. [ object XMLHttpRequestProgressEvent ]

  • this line begins with a "-" "minus" or "hyphen" and becomes a bullet ;-)


  • Typo is very big. Headers 1 & 2 too large?
  • Text Quotes are too large, IMHO. Distracting the eye. To dominant. Should be smaller than the regular text
  • Extra lines? How to do simple Paragraphs or margins. Paragraphs with RETURN are removed (especially on edit). If different Markup follows, the markup format seems to melt with each other e.g. quote followed by another text format. Or unordered list items. How to separate different markup correctly? See above! I edited this 10 times, and it is always messed up. List looses format and goes inline. Quotes spans following lines.
  • Editor color scheme is too dark (in relation to the site/page. Please, use a light scheme or even white? Dark works in edit mode and lightbox, but not on NEW entries.

Total posts: 13,748
03 Март 2014 04:23

pepperstreet Typo is very big. Headers 1 & 2 too large?

I agree. We will work on this site ovr the week and make more adjastments.

Why did not you try to upload picture or file?

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
03 Март 2014 08:21



I can change ALL status fields of ALL topics as a GUEST!?! PS: It's me, pepperstreet writing as guest.

I can still change ANY Status field as a GUEST !!!???!!

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
03 Март 2014 08:23

Sergey Why did not you try to upload picture or file?

I did. But there was an ERROR. See previous comment and error message.

Total posts: 13,748
03 Март 2014 08:27


Sergey Why did not you try to upload picture or file?

I did. But there was an ERROR. See previous comment and error message.

Try again

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
03 Март 2014 08:39

Feature request / idea

Currently all Status & Types are displayed in the list. There is no filter, nor a sub-category. This was much easier and quicker on AngelDesk forum! Hard to browse the list and to focus on a specific "type" or hide unimportant status. I think we need:

  • advanced filters for status and/or type
  • sub-categories for status and/or type

Not sure which one is best for which status field. Maybe real sub-categories have an impact on frontend submission and UX.

PS: "type" means announcement; bug; idea; question

Total posts: 13,748
03 Март 2014 12:29

pepperstreet PS: "type" means announcement; bug; idea; question

Understood. I agree. I'll add filters. ANd also one more staus Conversation

Total posts: 13,748
03 Март 2014 13:32



  • Typo is very big. Headers 1 & 2 too large?
  • Text Quotes are too large, IMHO. Distracting the eye. To dominant. Should be smaller than the regular text
  • Extra lines? How to do simple Paragraphs or margins. Paragraphs with RETURN are removed (especially on edit). If different Markup follows, the markup format seems to melt with each other e.g. quote followed by another text format. Or unordered list items. How to separate different markup correctly? See above! I edited this 10 times, and it is always messed up. List looses format and goes inline. Quotes spans following lines.
  • Editor color scheme is too dark (in relation to the site/page. Please, use a light scheme or even white? Dark works in edit mode and lightbox, but not on NEW entries.


Jeff VIP
Total posts: 745
04 Март 2014 02:07

Hi Sergey,

congratulations with the new forum. I must admit, I was quite used to the old one. I thought it was one of a kind.

However, using Cobalt is IMHO the only way to go, so I am happy with the new one. Have you ever heared of the expression: "Eating your own dog food?" I hope this will improve Cobalt even more.

Using a professional template like Yoo Square is also a plus. I was a bit reluctant to use any other template than Protostar because Cobalt didn't play well with other templates.

Some additional feedback

  • The blue topic titles in the list view are very hard to read. Why not using the same dark color as in the Forums overview?
  • It's diffcult to distinguish posts from different users. Although there's a user avatar on the right, it all looks like one endless story to me. Maybe you could use a darker alternating background color or add divider lines.
  • I'm able to change the status of any topic. Bug?

Keep up the good work!

Best regards, Jeff

Total posts: 13,748
04 Март 2014 04:12

Papperstreet, happy webbie, I agree. We will work on typography mow till th end of this week. And I am very thankfull for your extensive comments.

Happy Webbie The blue topic titles in the list view are very hard to read

What blue titles?

Jeff VIP
Total posts: 745
04 Март 2014 07:09

Sergey What blue titles?

All hyperlinks in your template are color #35BDB5, including the forum post title/header links.


Total posts: 13,748
04 Март 2014 07:20

I see. Got you. Will change. With your help guys I think we can create very neat forum view.

By the way, how do you appriciate picture and file uploader?

Sackgesicht VIP
Total posts: 1,636
04 Март 2014 11:25

I created several topics under Cobalt 8 forum, but it seems there is a problem with category assignment .. they dont show up

Работает на Cobalt