cns_webmaster VIP
Total posts: 21
08 Сен 2016 15:39


Info: We are currently running on Cobalt 8.658 We have tried updating to Cobalt 8.723-Stable on our development servers to see if this would solve our problems and it did not.

Problem: If we use a prefiltered link... for example: ;task=records.filter&clean=1&ion_id=1&filter_name[0]=filter_kd8ed66977276ee51f0b8933a21745264&filter_val[0]=Chemistry&filter_name[1]=filter_k00d30fd9c5f095b1aa56604535dccad8&filter_val[1]=Faculty&Itemid=1279

On first click the link does not do filtering. If you put the pre-filtered link back into the address bar and go again (don't refresh, but actually paste the link above in and hit enter again) it will do the filtering correctly.

We are wondering why it takes two attempts to get the prefiltered link to work correctly? This issue goes away after the first time, but you can reproduce it at any time by clearing your cache.

Here are images...

Attempt 1 with: ;task=records.filter&clean=1&ion_id=1&filter_name[0]=filter_kd8ed66977276ee51f0b8933a21745264&filter_val[0]=Chemistry&filter_name[1]=filter_k00d30fd9c5f095b1aa56604535dccad8&filter_val[1]=Faculty&Itemid=1279


Attempt 2 with: ;task=records.filter&clean=1&ion_id=1&filter_name[0]=filter_kd8ed66977276ee51f0b8933a21745264&filter_val[0]=Chemistry&filter_name[1]=filter_k00d30fd9c5f095b1aa56604535dccad8&filter_val[1]=Faculty&Itemid=1279


This is just an example but it seems to be happening on most if not all of our prefiltered links.

Thank you so much

Sincerely, Ryan University of Texas at Austin Web Team


2017 Feb 23th - Updated title with "Varnish" and "cache"

Последние изменения: 01 Март 2017

Total posts: 13,748
09 Сен 2016 08:17

There might be a problem with URLs like this. If you insert it works but from the HTML it does not. Sometimes simbols [, & and other URL importans not recognized and encoded. I do not know why it happence. Try anothe browser for test.

cns_webmaster VIP
Total posts: 21
09 Сен 2016 15:33


Thanks for your response. I have tried this on Firefox, chrome, and internet explorer and they all yield the same result. First attempt it doesn't work, second + attempts it does until you clear your browser history/chance/cookies.

cns_webmaster VIP
Total posts: 21
12 Сен 2016 17:22

So I have noticed now that the issue only uccurs when i use: filter_name and filter_value

The rest of the filters work fine. So the filter works fine here everytime: 

When I add a filter_name or a filter_val, then the filter only works after being put in twice (if you have a cleared browser cache). Even if you use a filter_user as filter_name, it still doesn't appear until second refresh...

So when I add this to hte filter URL:


If the user has a cleared cache, it takes pasting the filtered URL in again to work. I tried recreating the filtered link using hte API here: -- I achieved same result. 

Total posts: 13,748
16 Сен 2016 11:47

This is weired. I can confirm that it works only from second time on your site. But I cannot reproduce it. It works fine for me. most probably some 3d party plugin messup with sessions.

cns_webmaster VIP
Total posts: 21
22 Фев 2017 23:05

Hi all,

I wanted to update this thread and let you know that we figured out what was happening. We are using a apache mod called "Varnish" to cache our pages. We had to perform some modification to our .vcl varnish file to prevent the destruction of a session cookie that was controlling the pre-filtered links. (We were using vcl stock configuration)

Thanks again for your efforts to help us answer this question!

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
23 Фев 2017 01:22

cns_webmaster I wanted to update this thread and let you know that we figured out what was happening. We are using a apache mod called "Varnish" to cache our pages. We had to perform some modification to our .vcl varnish file to prevent the destruction of a session cookie that was controlling the pre-filtered links. (We were using vcl stock configuration)

Thanks again for your efforts to help us answer this question!

Thanks to YOU, for coming back and giving feedback. Maybe a valuable hint for other users.

Total posts: 13,748
01 Март 2017 07:02

cns_webmaster Hi all,

I wanted to update this thread and let you know that we figured out what was happening. We are using a apache mod called "Varnish" to cache our pages. We had to perform some modification to our .vcl varnish file to prevent the destruction of a session cookie that was controlling the pre-filtered links. (We were using vcl stock configuration)

Thanks again for your efforts to help us answer this question!

Thank you. That is nice to know you had solved this issue.

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