cns_webmaster VIP
Total posts: 21
08 Сен 2014 17:18

I am getting the following error when trying to update Cobalt 8 Error 0 SQL=UPDATE tablePrefix.tablePrefix_js_res_record SET pubtime = NOW() WHERE published = 1

Replace tablePrefix with my actual table prefix.

I am currently using Cobalt 8.360 and have tried to update to v8.582 everything package and v8.577 everything package.

Any ideas?

Edit* The quotations above are causing some interesting formatting.

Последние изменения: 16 Сен 2014

cns_webmaster VIP
Total posts: 21
08 Сен 2014 17:20

I also tried installing just the core pakage, v8.577 and got the same error. Media package updated without issue.

Total posts: 13,748
09 Сен 2014 01:13

What is your Joomla version?

cns_webmaster VIP
Total posts: 21
09 Сен 2014 15:10

Joomla 3.2.3

Total posts: 13,748
11 Сен 2014 01:02

YOu have tablePrefix as prefix or you changed that for security? ANd why DB name is also tablePrefix when it should be a DB name.

cns_webmaster VIP
Total posts: 21
11 Сен 2014 16:22

I have a production site that uses a databse named 'wdev2'. The table prefixes for that Joomla install are 'wdev2_'

I have a development enviornment where I do all of my test updates. The database for this is 'wdev1' and the table prefix is 'wdev2_' as I juct copy the tables over from production.

I wanted to test the Cobalt update on my development side. So the original error message was actually this...

Error 0 SQL=UPDATE wdev2.wdev2_js_res_record SET pubtime = NOW() WHERE published = 1

This confused me because in my development enviornment I would expect to see a wdev1 in there for database name, like this.

Error 0 SQL=UPDATE wdev1.wdev2_js_res_record SET pubtime = NOW() WHERE published = 1

In my dev enviornment the Joomla configuration appear to be correct Database name: wdev1 Table prefix: wdev2_

I apologize for my old naming conventions and any confusion they cause. Is there a way to verify which database Cobalt is connection to? I'm wondering if this error is because the dev site is a copy of production and something needs to be switched to the proper database name?

Thank you. Please let me know if I can clarify anything.

Total posts: 13,748
12 Сен 2014 00:11

If you look into install.php file of cobalt you will see that this query is the last one in the list of queries. It does not have prefix or DB name in it. Those things are added by Joomla acording to configuration.

Unfortunately I do not know why this tells you that there is an error. because there are many queries the same before this one. And those looks like run normally.

Try to copy query and run it directly.

cns_webmaster VIP
Total posts: 21
12 Сен 2014 20:55

This is strange,

The error message should be

Error 0 SQL=UPDATE wdev1.wdev2_js_res_record SET pubtime = NOW() WHERE published = 1

But instead it has wdev2 for the database name? The Global config is correct, so I am wondering where the wdev2 as the database name is coming from.

As expected running the following command directly works because it has the correct db name.

UPDATE wdev1.wdev2_js_res_record SET pubtime = NOW() WHERE published = 1

The problem definitely seems to be the wrong db name in the query, but I am not sure where it is coming from.

Total posts: 13,748
14 Сен 2014 02:09

But why? Just one line before this query, there is another one. Almost the same and reports no errors.

cns_webmaster VIP
Total posts: 21
16 Сен 2014 20:07

I agree, it makes no sense. I will continue to work on this and see if I can come up with anything.

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