tmatbcorp VIP
Total posts: 41
12 Янв 2015 08:58


I think we found a bug within the code.

When authentified on our website, users can go to their profile and see their favorite items (i.e. videos, forum topics, articles...). Favorite items are displayed through templates called default_list_ourApp_fav_item.php.

But since we migrated from Cobalt 7 to Cobalt 8, favorite items were not being displayed anymore and apparently the *_fav_* templates were not being included anymore.

In /www/components/com_cobalt/models/records.php file, we found what we think is a bug on line 714: if($view_what == 'favorited')

We changed that to if($view_what == 'user_favorited') and now the display of favorite items is done as it was before.


Последние изменения: 13 Янв 2015

Total posts: 13,748
13 Янв 2015 12:21

user_favorited show bookmarks of particular user. But favorited show bookmarks of currently logged in user.

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