darkhoros VIP
Total posts: 152
19 Май 2015 13:35

Hi, I need to modify the field type image with temaplt list-simple-one.php, lets say I have a select list with value= sale or rent, I like my image filels to be able to know the value of the text field, and if value = sale then I will make the templte to show the word sale above the image and if text field value = rent I will show the word rent above the image, so my question is how do I get to know the text field value and depending of the value render deffrent style, I need the if statment to use to get the field value and I will do the rest.

Is that possible. Thank you.

Последние изменения: 20 Май 2015

Метки Developer

Total posts: 13,748
19 Май 2015 16:48

That depends what template you are editing. If you are editing articles list or full article template, you can get access to individual field values through.


If you are trying to add this flag in image output template, then

$fields = json_decode($record->fields, true);
echo $fields[10];

darkhoros VIP
Total posts: 152
20 Май 2015 10:24

Hi, Thank you i will try this and confirm.

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