darkhoros VIP
Total posts: 152
26 Авг 2017 23:42

Hi, Trying to add custome fields to email from, in the email field I use this

text::Phone::Phone::::required checked;

As you can see I am trying to make the new created field as required, but it is ihnoring my entry and the field is created and added to the form but it is not being required.

Also trying to use google recaptcha v2 for the public use, it is not showing, but when I change the default joomla recaptcha plugin to be V1 it appears in the email field form, switching it back to V2 the google nocaptch recpatch is gone again.

Am I doing some thing wrong.

Thank you.

Последние изменения: 23 Окт 2017

Total posts: 13,748
29 Авг 2017 11:21

darkhoros Also trying to use google recaptcha v2 for the public use, it is not showing, but when I change the default joomla recaptcha plugin to be V1 it appears in the email field form, switching it back to V2 the google nocaptch recpatch is gone again.

This is I am not of any help. Try to use 3d party captcha.

darkhoros As you can see I am trying to make the new created field as required, but it is ihnoring my entry and the field is created and added to the form but it is not being required.

I've fixed it for text type fields in the next update. Also better use required="required". And delete ; at the end of the line.

darkhoros VIP
Total posts: 152
29 Авг 2017 21:44

Hi Sergy, Next update for cobalt or email field? And when will that be? Thank you.

Total posts: 13,748
30 Авг 2017 06:09

IT is all one package. I'll try to release update end of this week.

darkhoros VIP
Total posts: 152
13 Сен 2017 17:05

Hi Sergy, No release published and no fix for this issue yet?!! Any updates? Thank you.

17 Сен 2017 18:03

Any updates about this Sergy? Thank you.

Total posts: 13,748
21 Сен 2017 13:54

Uploading today.

darkhoros VIP
Total posts: 152
27 Сен 2017 16:12

Hi, I have updated core coblat to latest and no joy. Added Text field is not being required. Thank you.

Total posts: 13,748
23 Окт 2017 14:22

Note it is required on the level of browser only. It is not checked on server level. So if your browser ignores required atribute then yes. Also try instead of required enter required="required". FOr some browsers that works.

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