This question has 2 parts, for composite titles, how can I call the item id to br in front of another text field. this is the easy question.
The hard qquestion is, how to make this title multilanhuage, I have read the documentaion and understand how it works in paralles and mirrored, and I can translate field vallue, but what I cant figure out is, how can I make the titles multilingiual.
Help is appriciated like always.
Thank you.
Hi, This question has 2 parts, for composite titles, how can I call the item id to br in front of another text field. this is the easy question.
The hard qquestion is, how to make this title multilanhuage, I have read the documentaion and understand how it works in paralles and mirrored, and I can translate field vallue, but what I cant figure out is, how can I make the titles multilingiual.
Help is appriciated like always. Thank you.