darkhoros VIP
Total posts: 152
11 Дек 2014 09:22

hi, I have 3 sections in my new website, there is a common multi level field that I need to clone its values across all 3 sections, it is a long list it represents the area where my records are Example: level 1 is country: all countries level 2 is city: so coutry Egypt would have around 100 cities level 3 is subarea: 100s level 4 is compound in subarea

So as you can figure it out it will be a long list, and upone addind new areas I will need to edit all 3 fields across all 3 sections, can I clone these values sone how??

Also please give me feedback about my ongoing work http://index.gates2host.com

Thank you.

Последние изменения: 12 Дек 2014

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
11 Дек 2014 22:30

The common part for all 3 fields is the "Load Data" dialog:

Bildschirmfoto 2014-12-11 um 23.15.38

So, you would have to update the data source only once (.TXT file).
Then you have to do 3 field edits and uploads.

darkhoros VIP
Total posts: 152
11 Дек 2014 23:14

Hi, ok, i have seen this part, but the tree of the multi level is built on the go, so the tree is not created once, but rather a comulative effort, so what I need is to be able to export this data list tree, I know I can upload a file, but how can I export a field with that structure from current field and use to update the other 2 ones?!!

Thank you alot for your continous support. Regards.

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
12 Дек 2014 00:19

darkhoros but how can I export a field with that structure from current field and use to update the other 2 ones?!!

I am afraid you can't. Except for working directly with the related DB tables and columns.

Total posts: 13,748
12 Дек 2014 01:49

There is no tools to export and import. The only way is to write code that will select all values of the field from _js_res_field_multilevel in form of text with + level structure. And then use simple upload in the other field.

Tell me more about your project. Why you have 3 sections? What are those sections for?

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