darkhoros VIP
Total posts: 152
26 Нояб 2014 08:57

Hi, Serge posted this link as example of map


I like what I see in this last link can cobalt do this out of the box, if so I will buy atonce, if it is easy to be done with all these options on maps and with customized location markers, please explain how can be done with cobalt. Thank you.

Последние изменения: 03 Дек 2014

klox7 VIP
Total posts: 914
26 Нояб 2014 10:50

Example on link is done with Cobalt, so YES it's possible. You have geo field with template (you can make your own), in geo field you have configuration where you can set who can choose map marker and marker source. You can also customize info window. Just go through field setting and you we'll see what can be done.

darkhoros VIP
Total posts: 152
26 Нояб 2014 10:55

And the filter links above the maps is built in cobalt filter??

Thank you.

klox7 VIP
Total posts: 914
26 Нояб 2014 11:16

1st - cobalt markup template with sort options, filtering options,...
2nd - cobalt category index
3rd - records template - map

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
26 Нояб 2014 16:27

Already answered in the other topic... I guess, this is your post as a guest, right? ;)

darkhoros And the filter links above the maps is built in cobalt filter?

Hence, the example URL makes use of the additional filters "module". Actually the same capabilities, but placed into a module position.

Cobalt comes with a build-in advanced search/filter area above the list templates.
Here is an example screenshot of the default position and appearance above the list, uncollapsed with vertical tabs:

Bildschirmfoto 2014-11-26 um 17.27.46

darkhoros VIP
Total posts: 152
26 Нояб 2014 18:48

Hi, Thank you for your excellent answers. Pepper you say " default position" so the layout in the website link is not the default one, so I will need to do some customization?

Ok I Like what I see so far, and it seems that cobalt has good support, so I think I will try out the $99 package and see what I can do as the testing work I done on the demo site, got deleted I don't know why, so I was unable to test the product enough.

Do you have any recommendations for me? Thank you.

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
27 Нояб 2014 00:23

darkhoros Pepper you say " default position" so the layout in the website link is not the default one,

I was talking about the "Filters". The website uses a module. My Screenshot shows the default position without any extra module.

so I will need to do some customization?

The list under the Map view seems to be a customized blog layout. Nothing fancy, but you would need some custom CSS.


  • BTW, the subscription also includes an Adv.Table list template, which has many features by pure configuration parameters.
  • There is also a 3rdParty Depot! You might try the templates from Andi/JoomBoost. Which give an easy starting point. Packs category is here... hence the business-dir and profile packs.

the testing work I done on the demo site, got deleted I don't know why,

The demo site has an automated reset.

so I was unable to test the product enough. Do you have any recommendations for me?

Simply download the free Cobalt Package. Download and install Media package, too. Then download and install the free Packs (hence some restrictions with missing Gallery- and Date/Time fields.)

Test away!

Total posts: 13,748
27 Нояб 2014 08:07

darkhoros And the filter links above the maps is built in cobalt filter??

Not exactly. That part is customized. In order to create your custom filters that can without page reload change barkers on the map you have to:

  1. Create your own mareker processor. Copy com_cobalt/tmpl/markers_list/default.php. In field parameters select this as new marker processor. ANd edit this new processor, also include different marker properies.
  2. Now in article list map template, you cat add filters, and on click toggle visibility of the markers based on those properties.

So, filters like those require custom development. Not possible out of the box.

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
27 Нояб 2014 14:00

Sergey Not exactly. That part is customized. In order to create your custom filters that can without page reload change markers on the map you have to:

Sorry, which "filters" are you talking of? Sounds interesting, but apparently I miss something on that URL?

Total posts: 13,748
28 Нояб 2014 09:10

pepperstreet Sorry, which "filters" are you talking of?

Some people what filter like in this example


When you click checkbox and it shows only marker of that value without page reload as usual Cobalt filters.

darkhoros VIP
Total posts: 152
03 Дек 2014 15:48

Thank you alot. I will ask some more questons soon :P

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