Total posts: 2
14 Нояб 2014 16:09


I have some questions before I will decide to purchase emerald and Ih hope that this would be possible with this sofware.

So at my Page it is at the moment, that a user can register to different User groups at the reigster form by a field that is insert (with a plugin) at the standard user registration form of Joomla, also there is a option to select to recieve newsletters or not with a link to the privacy site, it is included by the plugin of Acymailing which I use for the newsletter.

So if I would use Emerald to register for free and payed registration, what happen with the possibility to select a newsletter at the registration, does it works anymore?

And if a user register and the subscriptions end, is this user also visible at the user profile list of Joomla with the adress, dates and so on?

It is possible to use the registration form of Joomla with the additional buttton of the acylmailing plugin to pay? And if the standard register form is used, would their implemented a button for offline subscription or how it works?

Can all users who registered at the moment, after the installation, upgrade to a membership plan without new registration?

Do I need user group actions if I want to use Joomla user groups to restricted the access for the subscription?

Regards Maggi

Последние изменения: 20 Нояб 2014

Total posts: 13,748
17 Нояб 2014 03:19

Maggi So if I would use Emerald to register for free and payed registration, what happen with the possibility to select a newsletter at the registration, does it works anymore?

Emerald has nothing to do with registration of the users. Emerald has no registration form. You will continue to use your current registration form to register your users.

Maggi And if a user register and the subscriptions end, is this user also visible at the user profile list of Joomla with the adress, dates and so on?

This is depends. What do you mean by user profile? Is it Joomla group? Or it is JSN or EasySocial or JomSocial profile?

In any case Emerald may move user to different Joomla group on success subscription and then move user back when subscription expires. Emerald can also change EasySocial or JomSocial Profile on success purchase and then move user back.

Maggi Can all users who registered at the moment, after the installation, upgrade to a membership plan without new registration?

Yes. When you create plan, there is option "Grant to all registered users". this option allow all users who was registered before plan creation to get this plan on their next login automatically.

Maggi It is possible to use the registration form of Joomla with the additional buttton of the acylmailing plugin to pay? And if the standard register form is used, would their implemented a button for offline subscription or how it works?

I am not sure what you mean about pay for Acymailing. but Emerald may add user to Acymailing list after success purchase.

It works like this. User fill standard Joomla registration form. Emerald adds there plan selector element. User have to select a plan. After click register button if user created successfuly, he is redirected to payment gateway (2CO, PayPal, ...) page. After completing this payment subscription is activated.

But use may still be inactive and in the process of email confirmation if you require one.

Maggi Do I need user group actions if I want to use Joomla user groups to restricted the access for the subscription?

Depends on what you want to restrict. Emerald plan should be actualy considered as user group. The plan itself can restrict almost anything. The only one case I know when user group may be usefull is if you want to hide some modules for one users and show for the others.

Total posts: 2
17 Нояб 2014 14:08

Thank ou for your answers.... this sounds like it could be a good solution to me.... Maggi

Total posts: 13,748
20 Нояб 2014 11:12

I hope so. Anyway, if you get any problems along the way, just post it here.

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