halsfeger VIP
Total posts: 3
23 Дек 2014 14:30



How can i show Content from the same Category on the Detail view with the same Filed Value?


News1 FieldA:Value1
News2 FieldA:Value3
News3 FieldA:Value1
News4 FieldA:Value1

So on the Detail Page of the News1 there Should be listed News3 and News4. The Fieldtype of FieldA is "child"

Thanks and Regards

Последние изменения: 25 Дек 2014

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
24 Дек 2014 02:05

The field type "Child (Relation)" cannot compare certain field values. In its simplest form it can list records from another section/type. Generally it is used in combination with the "Parent" field. It also can list records on both sides.

Do you really want or use those features?

Your first question and task seems to fit into the "Records" field. That field has special parameters for related content AND field value comparison. Please, check its parameters.

Hence parameter group "What to show". Set first parameter to "Any articles with same field value". Set the following field parameters accordingly... also try "Narrow by Category", if you have multiple categories.

Total posts: 13,748
25 Дек 2014 14:29

Ерук is a field called records. This field may show articles from the same section that have the same value of the indicated field.

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