Total posts: 4
02 Авг 2015 07:05

I can not use your emerald 9 version on my Joomlart Template. Can you do compactable with T3 framework? installation_error.PNG

Последние изменения: 23 Окт 2015

Total posts: 13,748
03 Авг 2015 15:10

It happence when you installl Emerald or when try to use? Do you have any other Emerald name extension?

Total posts: 4
06 Авг 2015 09:19

I happened when i trying to install.

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
07 Авг 2015 00:05

Hello, just an idea to narrow down the issue...
What makes you sure it is related to your T3 framework/template? In general, the installation process should work fine, no matter which extensions or plugins are around. AFAIK, the installation process is completely handled by Joomla core... why should it interfere with T3 at all? Personally, I never had similar issues.

If there are any issues with template frameworks, they should appear after installation and run-time in frontend.
(for instance, GAVICK framework interferes with some of Yootheme WARP backend functions!)

Did you try the installer on another Joomla installation? (same server & environment, except for T3 stuff)

Total posts: 13,748
10 Авг 2015 07:08

Try latest 9.361. If you have the same problem, try to empty administrator/components/com_emerald folder completely and install again.

radisnoir VIP
Total posts: 3
21 Окт 2015 15:03


I have a big probleme here, I can't add a plan ou a group ! I'am using a T3 template with the Emerald component. Any solution ?

Why MintJoomla do not notice that befor we buy ???

I claim a refund if you do not answers me !!!

There is no mail support mail or even a ticketing system, I pay 90 euros for nothing !!!

Please reply

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
21 Окт 2015 15:58

radisnoir I can't add a plan ou a group !

Please, could you explain with more details?

I'am using a T3 template with the Emerald component. Any solution ?

Best way to achieve highest compatibility is to use another template & template style for your Emerald "Control Panel" menuitem. I would suggest to assign "Protostar" to your "Control Panel".

PS: Hence Emerald layout and scripts rely on Joomla core Bootstrap, which is v2. Joomlart T3 and other frameworks make heavy modifications to the core by replacing bootstrap core and adding custom scripts and fixes/patches!

(Going to test latest T3 with Emerald...)

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
21 Окт 2015 16:03

radisnoir There is no mail support mail or even a ticketing system, I pay 90 euros for nothing !!!

As far as I can see, this is your first post and topic.
Since you have an active subscription you should get "VIP support" in the forum.

In general, simply open a topic in Emerald category.
Give a descriptive title and text. Describe the issues with version numbers and some infos about your environment.
Screenshots do help a lot, too.

Total posts: 13,748
21 Окт 2015 18:01

As I have already mentioned in the email, I need acces to file system. There is something wrong with T3 plugin. I eneabled error reporting and now you can see the error.

As I've said, I'll see if we can fix this from our side, but basicaly this is T3 error.

fdesanto VIP
Total posts: 34
21 Окт 2015 18:56

hi, i use joomlart template with t3 framework and all works perfectly. i have only 2 small problems:

  1. not show form to add invoice data when I choose new address, but i need to investigate, maybe some other javascript component make some conflict

  2. registration plugin not work. this is a problem of T3 system plugin. i will report to joomlart team. emerald registration plugin source code seems ok. anyway i have solved by comment some row in T3 system plugin.

Total posts: 13,748
22 Окт 2015 04:34

fdesanto registration plugin not work. this is a problem of T3 system plugin. i will report to joomlart team. emerald registration plugin source code seems ok. anyway i have solved by comment some row in T3 system plugin.

This one in T3 is noth on htem. There is hide class on the form. It is ok for Bootstrap 2 where it is changed on jQuery().show() but in Bootstrap 3 it is not working. It is hidden permanently. So in fact it is pure Bootstrap 3 design regarding compatibility with Bootstrap 2. But I remeber I have fixed that already. Try to enable it again with latest Emerald and see if it works already.

fdesanto not show form to add invoice data when I choose new address, but i need to investigate, maybe some other javascript component make some conflict

Have a look at the Console. What does XHR request returns?

fdesanto VIP
Total posts: 34
22 Окт 2015 10:41

Hi, some update:

registration plugin not work

This is gone alone, but the problem was in T3 system plugin. So Emerald it's ok.

not show form to add invoice data

in bootstrap CSS I have a "!important" rule for ".hide" class, you may think to add some javascript to remove hide class after load invoice form:


Total posts: 13,748
23 Окт 2015 13:00

Invoice also may be added later on requerst. WHen user try to access invoice, if there is no address it will ask to enter address befoew invoice is opened.

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