danielbidala VIP
Total posts: 153
30 Авг 2017 11:09

When a select or multiple select field is set to SQL (the dropdown options populated by SQL query) it stores an additional ID in the record_values table. Can we import that ID? If not, how does it work if I only import the value. What will happen when I open the record for editing?

Последние изменения: 22 Сен 2017

Total posts: 13,748
22 Сен 2017 10:57

danielbidala What will happen when I open the record for editing?

If in the field parameters you do not enable SQL then you will see thoe values. But if you enable SQL, most probably you will not see anything.

Import of such a dependable reference tables are complaicated.

Best way is to import IDs as they are, eneable SQL and make sure that IDs in source and destination sites tables does match.

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