danielbidala VIP
Total posts: 153
04 Апр 2015 08:54

Hi there

I need a custom field type for my project. This field must contain 3 textfield and 5 textarea to add rows. Similar to multilevel select but without dropdowns. The textareas will be multiline. Here is a picture to demonstrate:


The field won't be used as filter. Only need to be searchable. I need only the basic parameters on the backend. The fields inside the field type are fixed I don't need to set up them from the backend. Once the field is working I can make the row formatting of inputs I don't need design works.

If any question don't hesitate to ask me.

If someone is interested give me an offer how much does it cost. After purchase I will give this field to community for free.

Последние изменения: 20 Апр 2015

Total posts: 102
06 Апр 2015 10:06

Such a solution has long been needed. But it was never done.

danielbidala VIP
Total posts: 153
06 Апр 2015 11:13

Hi asmuz!

Such a solution has long been needed. But it was never done.

I have to say: since now :-) Based on the url field I created field type with repeatable fieldset according to my needs. I have to create import function and there is some issue yet to be done but overall it's working.

Total posts: 102
07 Апр 2015 16:34

congratulations! I hope when all is done, you share with other users

danielbidala VIP
Total posts: 153
08 Апр 2015 07:27

Unfortunatly I can't publish this field as ready to use field because all of the needed field in fieldset is set up in a *.js file according to url field concept. Everyone needs different amount and type of fields in fieldset.

But I help with pleasure to anyone who need repeatable fieldset. To create this you need at least medium javascript knowladge.

Total posts: 102
10 Апр 2015 16:35

Let we wait Sergey is coming and help us)

Total posts: 13,748
20 Апр 2015 07:12

That would be great field to have! I am following.

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