nwrightau VIP
Total posts: 99
02 Сен 2014 23:55


Liking cobalt 8, but unless i'm missing something there is one drawback which is easily fixed. Adding a new menu item, the user is required to enter the cobalt record ID - this is a really clunky way of doing it and pretty disappointing. The user would have to open cobalt in a separate window and find the record they want to link to and copy it then create the menu item.

Instead, it should have a select record button which opens a lightbox display a list of all available records within cobalt - clicking on this would put that ID into the menu item. I'm thinking of writing my own plugin to acheive this because we can't really expect clients to navigate the confusing method as it sits currently.

Could a feature like this be included in cobalt's core in the future? We need it right away so may end up writing one ourselves but I'd see it as a huge improvement to cobalts user experince.

Or is there another way to create menu items that I'm missing?

Food for thought.


Последние изменения: 11 Дек 2024

Total posts: 13,748
03 Сен 2014 08:11

I cannot add it to Cobalt 8 already. Because it will not be mergable with Cobalt 9 later. So even if I add it, only to Cobalt 9 which is not going to be out soon.

So, as for now, only manual article ID enter when you create link to Cobalt full article view.

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
03 Сен 2014 17:09

grindstone Adding a new menu item, the user is required to enter the cobalt record ID - this is a really clunky way of doing it and pretty disappointing

Totally agree! Unfortunately, I did not make any use of this single article MenuItem... and simply forgot to post my own "complaint". Thanks for pointing this out again. A real bummer... and a missing J! standard UI feature, IMHO.

I just remember my idea and request for an "Editor XTD button" plugin. Since it is also a frontend feature, it might need more attention and options in regards of access control!

Sergey I cannot add it to Cobalt 8 already. Because it will not be mergable with Cobalt 9 later

How should the input method and style "collide" with existing Cobalt8 and up-coming 9? You might keep the same parameter field and storage. It should only get an improved input style. I guess, this would not harm any Cobalt installation.

BTW, in Cobalt fields (ReadAlso, Relations Parent/Child) are some similar features i.e. modal window with article selection. You might re-use some code, or am I wrong here? ;)

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
03 Сен 2014 17:39

grindstone Or is there another way to create menu items that I'm missing?

Remember, creating "real" J! MenuItems per article could require additional assignment of modules. New MenuItems = new ItemID#s ;)

Workarounds and tips

A.) If you create single Record MenuItems... NoNumber's Advanced ModuleManager might help with more automation in module assignment. So, no manual extra work, because of smarter rules. I think there are also options for items/URL's without any real menuItem.

B.) Because of client's limited knowledge and better usability, I tend to use NO single articles MenuItems. Especially, when they are added or changed a lot. If you need some sort of up-to-date auto-menu, you might use:

  • Categories module
    (check parameters, some layout styles allow to show single record items!)
  • Records module
    (use simple list and turn everything off except for title and link. I would suggest to create a simple custom list template with UL/LI markup. Something that fits into your exsiting template CSS and other menu styles!
  • NextEndWeb's Accordion Menu
    tons of options and behaviors, supports Cobalt incl. category drill-down to record items), demos, Little headsup: The special Cobalt docs are not updated, yet. There are much more parameters available! Conparable to K2 version/docs.

Drawback with auto-menus

Items order depend on the available Cobalt sorting options i.e. alphabetical, misc dates, random... Currently, there is no "backend order" or manual re-ordering. So, you won´t have a manual sorting order like with single menu-items. Or with J! articles, K2 etc.

Total posts: 13,748
04 Сен 2014 00:09

pepperstreet How should the input method and style "collide" with existing Cobalt8 and up-coming 9?

Location for custom form elements changed. And a lot of files changed in backend. I cannot say more otherwise there will be no surprise.

nwrightau VIP
Total posts: 99
08 Сен 2014 03:06

Sergey I cannot add it to Cobalt 8 already. Because it will not be mergable with Cobalt 9 later. So even if I add it, only to Cobalt 9 which is not going to be out soon.

So, as for now, only manual article ID enter when you create link to Cobalt full article view.

When is cobalt 9 coming out? ;)

Pepper street some great ideas there about auto menus we might be able to make use of some of those, thanks.

Total posts: 13,748
08 Сен 2014 10:34

grindstone When is cobalt 9 coming out? ;)

I do not know :)

Total posts: 5
11 Дек 2024 09:36

Creating menu items is an exciting process that allows businesses to offer unique and diverse options to their customers. It involves understanding customer preferences, experimenting with different ingredients, and considering trends that can add value to the menu. For example, a drink such as the Dutch Bros Blue Drink could be a refreshing addition, combining vibrant color and bold flavors. When designing new items, it's important to balance innovation with familiarity, ensuring that the options are both exciting and accessible to the target audience. There’s always the potential to create something memorable that could quickly become a customer favorite.

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