Total posts: 2
12 Июнь 2014 15:29

Hi All,

OK what a journey... We are looking to build a website, basically an advanced directory site with interactive functions between users. With several differnt levels of users with different access rights. Some user will have their own kind of store to upload info and documents, which will be available for other users to download from restricted sections. A mixture of user plans from free to subscritptions.

Via a long process, we found Cobalt8 / Emerald9 and think this has sufficient flexibility and power to scale up a site if it becomes sucessful.

Weve looked through loads of other Joomla extentions and so far most have said we cant do it with their system.

We are not specifically developers, Ive some experience with Joomla and websites but by no means a programmer.

I am looking for some advice to see if Cobalt8 can do what we want to acheive and Look to freelancers to help do some of the coding.

Can we fire some ideas at you to see if we can do what we would like and then discuss getting help?

Many thanks


Последние изменения: 16 Июнь 2014

Total posts: 13,748
13 Июнь 2014 01:23

Guest With several differnt levels of users with different access rights

What extension will manage user levels? Will it be EasySOcial profiles or simple user groups? If it is Joomla ACL, then how you automatite groups assignemt?

Guest Some user will have their own kind of store to upload info and documents, which will be available for other users to download from restricted sections

I think this is perfectly possible. But I say it based on what you said. I do not know how dificult is access rights management. If for example every user have to manage who can download their files then CObalt cannot do that.

Guest A mixture of user plans from free to subscritptions.

Tell me more in general about your project.

If you are registered user I can send private message to you with my skype and we can discuss what you need and I can tell you what you can and what you cannot do with Cobalt/Emerald.

Total posts: 2
13 Июнь 2014 08:07

Hi Sergey,

Thanks, I registered here. Drop me a msg and Ill explain.



Total posts: 13,748
16 Июнь 2014 00:57

my skype is serhioromano

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