Total posts: 5
10 Июнь 2014 01:13

I'm new to all this, I followed the basic getting started guide to set things up. I went on my site and created a new page/article as a public user. Then I go into the joomla admin panel and see the new submission, I publish that.

What happens next? Do I need to publish a module so the new articles appear in the site? Or do youhave to create new menu items that wil ldisplay these pages? I tried creating a new menu item that List and Articles, don't see anything on the site.

Basically I want to allow users to create their own personal page.

Bit lost here.

Последние изменения: 12 Июнь 2014

Total posts: 13,748
10 Июнь 2014 10:29

Please check what was content type submission parameters Who can see article. You can submit as public but article may be created for registered users only.

Also I reccomnd to use frontend to publish articles. You can do it through article controll.

First you will have new element in user menu as administrator


Then click article gear icon and you will have publish icon


Also please make sure that you selected yourseld as super admin in CObalt global configuration.

If you still fail, please give me your site acces and I'll check it.

Total posts: 5
10 Июнь 2014 21:19

I don't see that user menu you're referring to, is it an extra admin menu i need to enable?

I did everything from Components > Cobalt 8

Maybe it might look better if I have a notice saying please log in to create a new page

And display user created pages under that in some like of layout?

I'm trying to build something like tunein .com but users wouldn't have to wait to get their personal page approved.

Maybe eventually have a directory type list of user radio pages, and a small button for each page linking to their live audio stream.

Just ideas, not sure how to built it.

Total posts: 13,748
11 Июнь 2014 00:44

Have you create menu element to Cobalt section list?


pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
11 Июнь 2014 14:05

emar ...I followed the basic getting started guide to set things up...

Hence also the Cobalt demo page and try the FREE installable packs in downloads area. Study and play with them.

Total posts: 13,748
12 Июнь 2014 01:47

Give me acces to your siet I'll check.

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