Total posts: 12
10 Июль 2014 21:20

Hello Guys

I have created a content type called Album that is crosslinked to another content type called reviews, when I go to album article list page and the click in any albums it take me to album full article view where the data from reviews is display (THAT IS OK) BUT when I go to my site homepage and then I click a link to an album full article page the content from reviews is missing is like it didn't even exists but if I reload the page the content from reviews appears again (but I need to reload one or two times the page.)

how can I solve that.

I need your help in this one as I have follow the code and everything seams to be the same but the first load of a direct link never shows reviews information.

and that is a bug that my client identified and told me to correct but I have no clue.

thanks a lot as always.

Fabricio Daza.

Последние изменения: 14 Июль 2014

Total posts: 13,748
11 Июль 2014 03:46

Please give me a link to the page where you have that content.

Total posts: 12
11 Июль 2014 05:26

Hello Sergey

thanks for the reply, here are the 3 cases:

CASE1 (with error): go directly to this url: http://dev.openpotion.com/sleazeroxx.com/albums/item/58-back-down-to-one

CASE2 (with error) go to : http://dev.openpotion.com/sleazeroxx.com/ then in the right sidebar click in LATEST REVIEWS "Jani Lane" that will take you to http://dev.openpotion.com/sleazeroxx.com/albums/item/58-back-down-to-one and show you the incomple set of data

CASE3 (correct) go to http://dev.openpotion.com/sleazeroxx.com/albums and click in BACK DOWN TO ONE that will take you to http://dev.openpotion.com/sleazeroxx.com/albums/item/58-back-down-to-one and this will show the correct set of data.

CORRECT INFORMATIO: http://storage7.static.itmages.com/i/14/0711/h_1405055910_2728292_bd3c1b4219.png INCORRECT INFORMATION: http://storage8.static.itmages.com/i/14/0711/h_1405055942_5407885_ba4fe450c1.png

best regards,

Fabricio daza.

Total posts: 13,748
11 Июль 2014 09:12

All thrue. But this is mystic. How can one URL to show difefrent data? I cannot understand. But I'll check it more deeply.

Total posts: 13,748
11 Июль 2014 09:16

May I have acces to backend? I want to see the setup.

Total posts: 12
11 Июль 2014 16:18


I have place the info and made it private please let me know if you heve it or else I will send it to you via email.

best regards,

Fabricio Daza.

Total posts: 13,748
14 Июль 2014 00:55

I have.

Total posts: 13,748
14 Июль 2014 01:18

I updated cobalt to laters our internaly built version. Now it works. Looks like you did not update cobalt for a long time.

Total posts: 12
14 Июль 2014 18:50

hello Sergey

thanks alot for your help.

very much apreciated.

best regards,

Fabricio Daza.

Работает на Cobalt