hakana VIP
Total posts: 425
20 Окт 2019 13:34

Hello Sergey,

I am using Emerald 9.482 which is the latest version.

I am selling products with two different currencies. Sometimes I change the currency of the product from Euro to USD. In the control panel, it doesn't show the right currency. When I change the currency of the first plan, all the currency of all the past purchases change and it looks wrong. Here is the screenshot. Please compare how the history looks like when I change the currency of the first plan (name of the page is: ?view=emcpanel):


Thank you very much. (Since the CSS issue with Emerald 10 is still unsolved for you and for me, I will be using this version for a while.

Последние изменения: 18 Март 2020

hakana VIP
Total posts: 425
20 Окт 2019 14:44

OK Sergey, previously you stated here that you will not make any changes because there could be a conflict:

Wrong currency in sales page mismatching currency type

I don't understand the conflict because at ther bottom of the page, where you are able to activate the uncomplete purchases, all the data is right with right currencies. Maybe you have a look once more. Thanks.


Total posts: 13,748
29 Окт 2019 05:36

I do not think I could state anything in this topic. I read it for first time.

I cannot make changes Emerald 9. I can only add changes to Emerald 10 now.

Also on first screenshot I see only one plan. If you change its currency it changes display.

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