hakana VIP
Total posts: 425
04 Окт 2016 08:58

Hi Sergey,

I have sold a susbscription in USD and then I changed it to EUR from phpmyadmin. I had to make this change because of a misconfiguration in payment gate settings.

Now on the control panel of Emerald the currency is displayed in USD in view=emcpanel On the sales page, the currency is displayed in EUR in view=emsales

The correct one is view=emsales. view=emcpanel is reading the current currency from the plan settings. view=emsales is reading the currency from the subscription details. So please update the view=emsales currency display method.

Kind regards,

I have updated the topic title but could not update the topic alias. Maybe you'd better change that too.

Последние изменения: 13 Окт 2016

Total posts: 13,748
12 Окт 2016 13:23

It is fixed in Emerald 10. I'll not fix it in 9 or there will be conflict.

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