hakana VIP
Total posts: 425
06 Июнь 2016 09:44

Hi Sergey,

I asked for these two additions many times. I could have increased my income much more with these modifications. If you are not going to mplement them soon, what about coding a special plugin for me who will do these two jobs? I could have already earned the money I will pay you with the plugin.

Incomplete transaction alert

If the user wanted to buy a specific plan but could not complete the transaction, you can create a specific alert for that. "5 days later send the user this alert if his transaction is still incomplete"

This idea and the above idea are great for the follow ups and increase the revenue. This is something like emerald with CRM.

If you are not clear about what I am talking about, you can contact me via Skype.

Buy this subscription also alert

If the user bought current plan and if he didn't buy some other plan, send user a specific notification. The content of the mail will be: "You have bought this plan but you haven't bought this one. Come and try this subscription plan as well."

Since there might be more than one plan that we recommend the user to buy, this might be a mailing action. The content of the action will be:

Two text boxes. How many days later should the message be sent? What will be the content of the mail?

"... days after the expiry date of this plan, send user this mail"

Последние изменения: 19 Июнь 2017

Total posts: 13,748
12 Июнь 2016 14:26

The second thing you can add it to subscription success message body. Something like congratulation for this plan, consider also that plan if you do not have it yet.

hakana VIP
Total posts: 425
12 Июнь 2016 14:56

So you still don't want to code anything like this? :-)

I cannot accept the second option because I will send this mail like 30 days later after one of the subscriptions has expired and if the other subscription had not been bought yet.

Total posts: 13,748
17 Июнь 2016 15:58

May be I can make filter for Acemail?

hakana VIP
Total posts: 425
17 Июнь 2016 19:33

If you can add another subject and mail body with the additional settings below, one of my requests will be easily met:


Total posts: 13,748
21 Июнь 2016 05:21

Let's see what I can do.

hakana VIP
Total posts: 425
16 Янв 2017 14:04

Hi Sergey,

Is there any progress on this issue? This looks quite easy to me with the image explanation above. Hopefully it will be accepted one day :-D

Total posts: 13,748
17 Янв 2017 03:33

It is accepted and I put it to my task list.

nican VIP
Total posts: 392
18 Янв 2017 17:42

I need this too, following!

hakana VIP
Total posts: 425
02 Апр 2017 10:52

How are we doing so far on this issue Sergey? :-)

Total posts: 13,748
14 Апр 2017 06:56

This one turned out to be more complicated than I thought. I need sort of alert registration so I could know that this subscription alert has been already sent.

It is not hard to do but it all comes back to changing alert system in Emerald in general. So I do not what tomake this small patch, and I have no time to change whole alert system.

hakana VIP
Total posts: 425
15 Апр 2017 14:49

Hi Sergey,

I am sorry to hear this. Hopefully you will have some time in the near future to keep developing Emerald.

There is one thing that I don't understand. Currently you keep track of the "epiry alerts" of the subscriptions somehow (most probably by using the "lastsent" column in susbscriptions table.) Can't you simply add another column to this table to keep track of the "last sent of the incomplete transaction"? What are the drawbacks of this simple solution? I think it is very easy to apply this solution before you implement the more complicated alerts solution.

Kind regards,

Total posts: 13,748
24 Апр 2017 14:25

As I have said to make a patch is not complicated. But it is like to put dirty bag on a clean table. it is only temporary but you kinda do nto want to do that.

I have to add this field in DB, I have to add another alert text in plan parametrs, I have to add another cronjob task and all those are not a solution to the problem but patches only.

I understand that for you it does not matter if it is patch or elegant solution if it does what you need. But I try to avoid those kind of things.

Let's just make Acemail filter for that.

hakana VIP
Total posts: 425
27 Апр 2017 07:08

Now I understand your point. Thank you :-)

baijianpeng VIP
Total posts: 239
28 Апр 2017 01:18


Thank you.

hakana VIP
Total posts: 425
29 Апр 2017 14:24

Sergey maybe you can do something like fundraising. I might contribute to this Emerald extension. So when people's contribution reaches to a certain amount you can dedicate more time to this small project. Looking forward to seeing and using this :-)

Total posts: 13,748
04 Май 2017 14:46

To make this fundraising for all different features I'll neeed a tool. Some extension that will allow me to do that. Also it will look ridiculous if someone rise money for features of commersial extensions. no one is doing that. You either give extension for free and rise money for new features or you sell extension. But if I'll do both I afraid, it will looks bad.

hakana VIP
Total posts: 425
07 Май 2017 20:43

I was still trying to find a solution to get this feature done. So does it mean that development of Emerald has stopped for an unknown period of time?

Maybe you can sell this feature as an add on to the component. And the ones who contribute to the payment of it will be regarded as prepaid subscribers to this feature? So we pay it before it was developed and buy it before it was developed? And this add on can be installed on top of Emerald. Then people pays for this additional advanced alert system?

Ideas everywhere :-)

Total posts: 13,748
16 Май 2017 12:54

hakana So does it mean that development of Emerald has stopped for an unknown period of time?

Not at all. I am still adding features. Just this one looks like a big one.

hakana VIP
Total posts: 425
19 Май 2017 15:36

Would you like to discuss about how to build it, the data structure etc? I worked as a project manager of web projects for International companies for many years. You already know that I can come up with many different ideas all the time :-)

If you like, I can devote time for this part of the project and we can discuss about how to proceed. If there is anything that you cannot answer on your mind, maybe we can find an easy way to solve it together.

Kind regards,

Total posts: 13,748
25 Май 2017 15:01

It is not a matter of how to structure data and how to build interface. I have pritty much clear idea how to do this. But thank you. I will defenetly use your help when I need it.

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