hakana VIP
Total posts: 425
01 Июнь 2016 17:27

Hi Sergey,

In content restriction plugin, I use delay parameter in PAID placeholder. By the help of the language constant EM_WILLBEAVAILABLE it shows this text when the content is not available:
This restricted content will be available for you on: %s at %s (%s for date and time)

Is it possible to add another %s to this language string so that it shows "You need to wait for %s days"

You already calculate the availability date, so if you subtract today from availability date, you can easily show the new %s parameter.

I think it will be better for my subscribers to know how many days they have to wait instead of showing only the availability date.

Also, will these changes be added to Emerald 10?

Kind regards and greetings to Kyrgyzstan.

Последние изменения: 12 Июнь 2016

Total posts: 13,748
05 Июнь 2016 14:09


hakana Also, will these changes be added to Emerald 10?

From time to time I merge all changes from my current emerald version to new Emearld 10. So everything I add to Emerald 9 will be in Emerald 10 too.

hakana VIP
Total posts: 425
06 Июнь 2016 09:35

Thank you very much Sergey. I am very grateful. So I will wait for the new release. You can also mention this in documentation. When the delay parameter is used, the subscriber sees this text:

The content will be available to you on: xx.xx.xxxx at xx:xx. You need to wait for xx days.

hakana VIP
Total posts: 425
12 Июнь 2016 08:22

Hi Sergey,

I have noticed something after the modification. If there are 0 days but 10 hours for the content to be available, it writes as "you need to wait for 0 days." Maybe the best thing would be either to separate the language string or add another language string like EM_WILLBEAVAILABLE_HOURS If the remaining time is less than 0 days but a few hours, then you can show the other language string:

This content will be available to you TODAY at XX:XX. You need to wait for XX hours.

Thank you very much again.

Total posts: 13,748
12 Июнь 2016 14:20


hakana VIP
Total posts: 425
12 Июнь 2016 14:56

Thank youuuu :-)

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