hakana VIP
Total posts: 425
10 Фев 2016 11:11

Hi Sergey,

I will add some new features to some of my existing plans. When I launch the additional features, I would like to give additional one month subscription to the ones who bouth the plans after 2016.

Do you think you can add a tool for this?
Name of the plan to be extended
After which date should the plan be bought for extension?
How many additional days do you want to extend?

If this is too much work and if you think it is useless, can you give a simple SQL code for this maybe?

Kind regards. Hakan

Последние изменения: 23 Март 2016

Total posts: 13,748
15 Фев 2016 14:40

hakana I would like to give additional one month subscription to the ones who bouth the plans after 2016.

You want to give another 1 month subscription or extend their subscription?

hakana After which date should the plan be bought for extension?

If user buy one plan we extend another one?

hakana VIP
Total posts: 425
18 Март 2016 20:59

You want to give another 1 month subscription or extend their subscription?

Extend the existing subscriptions based on a rule.

If user buy one plan we extend another one?

Extend the existing active one. Not creating a new one or extending an inactive one.

Total posts: 13,748
23 Март 2016 08:50
update #__emerald_subscriptions SET extime = extime + INTERVAL 10 DAY WHERE purchased >= '2016-01-01'

Как то так.

hakana VIP
Total posts: 425
23 Март 2016 22:41

Thank you :-)

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