hakana VIP
Total posts: 425
16 Авг 2015 09:12

Hi Sergey,

I will start using Emerald subscription component on two different web sites. When I use Emerald like this, integrated with Garanti payment gate; two different web sites might send the same orderid number to the Garanti Bank. This creates a confusion. At the end of the day, at the bank side, I have two valid subscriptions with the same order id coming from two different web sites.

Garanti Bank accepts orderid's with letters also. So I have a request from you, which worked very well in my previous web site. I kindly request you to put an "Orderid prefix" field to Garanti payment gate options. It will submit the orderid with the letter prefix. So the oderid is sent to the bank as r101 instead of 101 (r as orderid prefix letter here). On the orders table, we will still keep it as 101, so we will only send it to the bank with the prefix and get the bank answer with the prefix. The orderid values will be kept as numbers in the database without this prefix as before.

Please see the line which is from my old subscription component.

$OrderID = "r".$orderInfo->order_id;

I want this letter "r" to be a parameter in the payment gate options area. If this parameter is empty, the order id will be sent as before.

Thank you very much.

Последние изменения: 17 Авг 2015

Total posts: 13,748
17 Авг 2015 06:47


hakana VIP
Total posts: 425
17 Авг 2015 07:02

You are wonderful and incredible as always. Thank you very much. :-)

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