hakana VIP
Total posts: 425
05 Сен 2014 11:42

This wrong time display issue happens for all the gateways, not only for Garanti payment gateway. There is a 3 hours difference than the original sales time, which can be because of my time zone and also it should be in PM format. It is not understood if it was bought in midnight or midday.


Последние изменения: 10 Окт 2014

Total posts: 13,748
12 Сен 2014 09:49

Your server time is UTC? What is your timezone parameter?

hakana VIP
Total posts: 425
13 Сен 2014 13:00

My time zone parameter is İstanbul which is GMT +3. Purchase time is only wrong on this panel. It is right on other parts of Emerald.

Total posts: 13,748
14 Сен 2014 02:46

hakana Purchase time is only wrong on this panel. It is right on other parts of Emerald.

That is because other dates do not show time. Because by default all other dates have no time.

Also note it is not time or purchase. It is created time.

hakana VIP
Total posts: 425
15 Сен 2014 06:21

Sergey That is because other dates do not show time. Because by default all other dates have no time.

Also note it is not time or purchase. It is created time.

I got your comments. So do you think there is an error here or not? When I get the time with my own query, I get the right time. If you want I can send you the code so that you can compare.

Total posts: 13,748
16 Сен 2014 00:52

Try to change your Joomla timezone.

hakana VIP
Total posts: 425
16 Сен 2014 18:29

When I change the time zone, the time displayed on that page does not change. But, check the dates and the time please. Even the dates are different.


Total posts: 13,748
17 Сен 2014 01:30

ctime is time of start of subscription. created is time when subscription whas created and this is the time we show there. And it is correct. 9:51 is 21:51. In lates version I added AM/PM also.

hakana VIP
Total posts: 425
17 Сен 2014 06:36

The issue above is, there is no consistency between the dates. While inserting the time values, one is raw, one is formatted with Joomla time zone. The real time between the creation of the subscription and the start of the subscription is actually 56 SECONDS. Not 3 HOURS and 56 SECONDS.

No matter if it is the subscription creation time or subscription start time, the time that is displayed on the panel is wrong 3 hours. And this is for all the subscriptions, not for this one.

It is obvious that there is something wrong here in these numbers.
It was purchased: 15.9.2014 21:52
It started: 16.9.2014 00:52

How can it start 3 hours later than the purchase? (or the next day when you only check the date without time). I have no special setting for this. All my subscriptions start immediately.

Please just check it. Or let me show you on a demo site...

Total posts: 13,748
18 Сен 2014 03:31

I made some changes. now we only use MySQL date and time. No PHP or Joomla offset.

hakana VIP
Total posts: 425
18 Сен 2014 10:28

Thank you very much Sergey. When I use it, I will give you my feedback.

Total posts: 13,748
18 Сен 2014 14:18

I am looking forward for it.

hakana VIP
Total posts: 425
08 Окт 2014 08:36

Hi Sergey,

Here is my feedback.

The admin panel is still showing the created date. And this does not mean anything to me. For example today a subscription was sold at: 08.10.2014. But the admin area shows it as: 04.10.2014

There is a four days difference because it was an offline payment and I had to confirm it today because of a national holiday. There is no use displaying the created date and time here on the admin panel. It should be the purchase date and time. And if possible please remove the AM PM format and use 24H format. In Turkey (and most probably in some other countries), AM PM is not used.


Total posts: 13,748
09 Окт 2014 11:02

Changed. Will be released today.

hakana VIP
Total posts: 425
09 Окт 2014 13:53

Thank you very much. Have a nice day.

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