hakana VIP
Total posts: 425
05 Сен 2014 11:36

Is it possible to use something like [GROUPNAME] in offline payment notification that is sent to the admin? We have this placeholder for core notifications.

Последние изменения: 16 Сен 2014

Total posts: 13,748
12 Сен 2014 09:55

The placeholder has been added.

hakana VIP
Total posts: 425
15 Сен 2014 06:44

Unfortunately the placeholder does not work. Where did you add it?
Plans/Payment Gateways/Offline Payment/Admin message body (or client as well)

[USER] wants to buy [GROUPNAME] - [SUBSCR_NAME] subscription.

In the next version perhaps?

Total posts: 1,113
15 Сен 2014 07:38

It's added in both message body. But you can't see it in already saved plans, to see it open form for addeding new plan and you will see updating in offline gateway settings.

hakana VIP
Total posts: 425
15 Сен 2014 07:50

Hi Konstantin, are you sure that it is available in the latest release? I have manually added the [GROUPNAME] tag to both of the message bodies but [GROUPNAME] is the only part that is not being replaced in the message that is being sent. Have you really tested it with the latest release?

Total posts: 1,113
15 Сен 2014 08:22

I check a history, and I think it's not yet in release, will be on this week.

Total posts: 13,748
16 Сен 2014 00:43

I confirm. Unfortunately it was added on Friday. Day after release. Will be available following Thursday.

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