hakana VIP
Total posts: 425
16 Дек 2015 21:25

Hi all, (I am not asking to Sergey this time!)

I want to use cobalt as a dictionary in one of my web sites. When you click a button, the definition will slide down and become visible. This can be two way. You can use Turkish words with English definitions and English words with definitions.

On top of this, is there a way to create a kind of contest where random 4 definitions are displayed and if the loggedin user selects a definition his score is recorded in backend (1 point for right and 0 wrong). The scoring can be very detailed, how many times the user had answered that question right or wrong, most wrong answered questions etc.

Is something like this possible with Cobalt? If yes, How easy is it? And if not, is there a component that you can recommend me?

In the worst case, I would like to create a two way dictionary without the contest.

Looking forward to your comments.

Последние изменения: 17 Дек 2015

Total posts: 13,748
17 Дек 2015 15:08

You mean you search english word and you get defenition of that word in Turkish? how many words? Not clear about contests. User select proposed defenitions for the given word?

hakana VIP
Total posts: 425
17 Дек 2015 21:39

No it is not about searching. Just the word and the definition below. But you will see the definition when you submit a button (The definition will slide)

There will be another button at the bottom. When the user clicks on the button at the bottom, another random word will appear.

UP TO HERE IS THE FIRST PHASE. So forget about the contest part now.

There are around 2500 words.

Sackgesicht VIP
Total posts: 1,636
17 Дек 2015 23:52
Работает на Cobalt