hakana VIP
Total posts: 425
17 Окт 2014 07:03

Hi to all the followers of this forum,

I am launching a special section on my site till the end of this month. I don't have much time to discover Cobalt by myself. I think a few hours work is enough to make such a setup. I would like to work from Skype and setup what I need together within a few hours. I would like to pay an hourly fee for this. Is there anyone who is volenteer? Please send me your messages.

Pepperstreet, can we do it together?

Последние изменения: 28 Окт 2014

hakana VIP
Total posts: 425
20 Окт 2014 14:27

For whom interested, here is what I need to get done:

  1. a forum-like page with content dripping where records are opened day by day. - integrated with emerald
  2. below every record, commenting with two options - Let me see, let all the buyers of this package can see (no other groups visible while selecting which group to post) also user sees only his comments on this page, not the comments of other people.
  3. a check item next to every record, user checks it when completes the task it.
  4. a forum, where users can see what other people commented and shared with the other people. (more like mintjoomla forum)

I would like to work together with people on Skype who are interested to help. I would like to pay an hourly fee.

Looking forward to hearing from Cobalt loverz :-)

hakana VIP
Total posts: 425
27 Окт 2014 15:14

United Minjoomla Loverz,

Noone interested so far? I will pay for what we get done together on Skype. I don't think the issues are major issues for the ones who are familiar with Cobalt. Please submit an hourly fee so that we can discuss how we can proceed... Thanks :-)

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