hakana VIP
Total posts: 425
14 Май 2014 07:39

In the address page, can I customize the page? If yes, how?

I dont want to change the structure of the database but I want to post state as city and city as county (not country).
I dont want to show the field phone.
I might change the order of the fields.
I want to set Turkey as default country.

Is there a view that I can make these customizations?

In two other subscription components I have used, I was able to set a default country. Also, there was an option to set which fields to are going to be visible. Maybe you can add some new settings in the configuration.

Have a nice day, more questions ahead :-)

Последние изменения: 20 Окт 2014

hakana VIP
Total posts: 425
13 Авг 2014 20:26

This is another question, please see my other question above.

I have renamed our country name as Türkiye instead of showing it as Turkey (from the database panel of the hosting). Every time I update emerald, I think the country name is overwritten. Or am I dreaming? :-) Is there any way to prevent this overwrite and keep the country name as Türkiye?

Total posts: 13,748
14 Авг 2014 00:40

hakana Is there any way to prevent this overwrite and keep the country name as Türkiye?


hakana When I say focus, get the second group to the top of the page

I think you can do that. You can create override for views/emlist/tmpl/default.php. This is file where groups are cycled. FOr example you can add on top (before foreach in line 34) something like this.

<?php if($_GET['focus']): ?>
        <h1><?php echo $this->cats[$_GET['focus']]['name']; ?></h1>
        <?php echo $this->loadTemplate('list_' . $this->cats[$_GET['focus']]['template']); ?>
    <?php unset($this->items[$_GET['focus']]); ?>
<?php endif; ?>

hakana VIP
Total posts: 425
14 Авг 2014 08:42

Thank you Sergey. Is it possible to change the payment gateway name on the invpoice even in the database? Maybe it can be embedded by the help of a language string?

Total posts: 13,748
15 Авг 2014 02:09

It already uses JText. Just ass language key.

hakana VIP
Total posts: 425
15 Авг 2014 07:00

Sergey It already uses JText. Just ass language key.

Another wonderful solution. Thanks :-)

hakana VIP
Total posts: 425
15 Авг 2014 15:29

Hi Sergey,

You have added a report for me before. Is there any way to add a parameter on the link so that I can get all the data when I need?
Like: http://www.zestcoaching.com/new2/index.php?option=com_emerald& ;task=emcron.report&lang=en&secret=xxx&show=all

Please see the last part as show=all

hakana VIP
Total posts: 425
16 Авг 2014 21:20

This is my second question here. Please see my other question above: This wrong time display issue happens for all the gateways, not only for Garanti.


Total posts: 13,748
18 Авг 2014 04:29

hakana You have added a report for me before. Is there any way to add a parameter on the link so that I can get all the data when I need?

Like: http://www.zestcoaching.com/new2/index.php?option=com_emerald& ;amp;task=emcron.report&amp;lang=en&amp;secret=xxx&amp;show=all

In next version use &limit=150 which is amount of the days.

hakana This is my second

Time difference for all purchases or for some? May be it is difference of the time between garanty service and your server? Is log enabled? I would like to see it.

hakana VIP
Total posts: 425
18 Авг 2014 04:51

Sergey In next version use &amp;limit=150 which is amount of the days.

Thank you that will be really nice.

Time difference for all purchases or for some? May be it is difference of the time between garanty service and your server? Is log enabled? I would like to see it.

In this image there are two issues indeed. Time difference exists for all the subscriptions. It does not add my timezone which is defined in the Joomla control panel. On top of this, I think the way how time is displayed is different. It shows like AM/PM mode.

The second issue is stamping the payment id. I think it only happens in garanti payment gateway. I have no idea what causes this. So how can I provide you, what you need to see. Maybe you can find me on Skype so that we can have a quick look. Thanks a lot again.

hakana VIP
Total posts: 425
24 Авг 2014 11:31

The report is OK. Thanks for this modification. Two issues on the image above (time and garanti payment id) are still pending. Just FYI.

hakana VIP
Total posts: 425
04 Сен 2014 07:40

Hi Sergey,

When I search in plans, it does not search with "bill to". Most of the time, my clients use different name in bill to section, so I have to click invoice by invoice to see who the payer is. If you can add this search functionality, I will be very glad.

Kind regards, Hakan

hakana VIP
Total posts: 425
04 Сен 2014 10:41

Another question: Is it possible to use something like [GROUPNAME] in offline payment notification to the admin? We have this placeholder for core notifications.

hakana VIP
Total posts: 425
05 Сен 2014 09:16

And another question: Is it possible to have a placeholder like [REMAININGDAYS] so we can use it between the [PAID] tags. Thanks.

Total posts: 13,748
05 Сен 2014 10:56

Please, when you have Emerald ideas add them each as new topic. Will be easier for me to implement. Please recreate your ideas.

hakana VIP
Total posts: 425
17 Сен 2014 20:17

Hi Sergey,

In the custom report that you have created for me, is it possible to replace ID field with the user ID? I have now realized that it should bring the user id. If you dont mind and if possible please :-) Thanks.

Total posts: 13,748
18 Сен 2014 02:46


hakana VIP
Total posts: 425
18 Сен 2014 10:31

Thank you very much for the modification of the report. This support is beyond my expectation.

hakana VIP
Total posts: 425
17 Окт 2014 10:15

Hi Sergey,

In the custom report that you have created for me, is it possible to replace Order ID field with the global order ID which is the order ID that we see in the sales page, not the order ID that is specific to the gateway?

This is how I can match the orders with the bank.

I checked the cronjob and modified the code like this and it worked. So if you can make this modification for next releases, it would be wonderful:

Before: 'Order ID' => $l->gateway_id,

After: 'Order ID' => $l->id,

Thanks for all these improvements.

hakana VIP
Total posts: 425
17 Окт 2014 11:36

And Sergey,

I would like to change to ordering of some columns etc. It takes me an hour to modify the table according to my needs. In this case, if I create another file with name emcron2, would it have any drawbacks? Can I modify the new file and use it? And it will stay there in the updates right?

Total posts: 1,113
20 Окт 2014 05:14

All new files with another names, than our will be not rewrited.

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