Total posts: 15
23 Апр 2014 11:31

Hello all!

I have a question about using the date/time field and the calendar extension on Cobalt 8. I just recently bought date/time to use on a site where 4 different types of content will be posted. Right now these types live in sections with corresponding names. Here they are:

1.) News 2.) Success Stories 3.) Volunteer Opportunities 4.) Donation Opportunities

Each of these types has a date field and I would like them to be viewable all together on one calendar. Ideally this would be the situation

Menu Item > content Calendar > calendar view with all 4 types displayed News > list view of news stories Success Stories > list view of success stories Volunteer Opportunities > list view of volunteer opportunities Donation Opportunities > list view of donation opportunities

I was thinking this would be possible if I create an overall section and place each type in sub categories. That way I could list them together or individually. My problem is that since these are all very different types of content they have different date/time fields. Is there a way for the calendar to select multiple date/time inputs?

Many thanks in advance for any help / thoughts!

Последние изменения: 01 Май 2014

Total posts: 13,748
25 Апр 2014 06:55

In the t=date time field you hve parameter affect create date or expire date if you enter date range. Then calendar will work only on record's ctime parameter in all types. And date time field will be there only to display date.

Total posts: 15
29 Апр 2014 09:38

So the only parameter I can join across multiple types is the create or expire dates?

Total posts: 13,748
29 Апр 2014 14:09

I am not sure what you mean by join parameters across types. The create and expire fields are common for every record. SO no matter what types you have in a section all should be in the calendar.

Total posts: 15
30 Апр 2014 09:13

Hi Sergey,

I understand you perfectly. My interest though is not to simply display on a calendar the date that the event was created but the date that it will take place. For example

Typo A: Volunteering Event

Field: “event date”

Type B: Group Meeting

Field: “meeting date”

I want both of these fields from 2 different types to show up on the same calendar. My understanding is that this is not possible but that I could show their create and expire dates on one calendar.

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
30 Апр 2014 22:56

Sergey In the t=date time field you hve parameter affect create date or expire date if you enter date range. Then calendar will work only on record's ctime parameter in all types. And date time field will be there only to display date.

I think there is a problem and limitation with the Calendar and Events template. Both templates require to select a DATE&TIME field as the date source. So, you can't display multiple types in those templates. Only 1 field can be selected!

Calendar template param - 1 field select required:

Bildschirmfoto 2014-05-01 um 00.40.34

Events list template - 1 field select required:

Bildschirmfoto 2014-05-01 um 00.43.25

The DATE&TIME field override feature could be the solution... If we could select the core CTIME / EXTIME as the date source. But we can't?!

Total posts: 13,748
01 Май 2014 10:28

You select ony one field but it use all same name fields. BEcause it uses field key.

davebelbear My interest though is not to simply display on a calendar the date that the event was created but the date that it will take place.

Wheer in particualt? In full event view? Or in month view?

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
01 Май 2014 15:51

Sergey You select ony one field but it use all same name fields. BEcause it uses field key.

Oh, really?! That is not obvious for the user. I did not expect it to work like this (in the background).

Even if it works so smart, how would you display a different fieldname/label?

Total posts: 13,748
01 Май 2014 16:08

No way.

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