jimie VIP
Total posts: 531
20 Май 2016 08:30

Hey Sergey,

Can you allow guests to see follow and bookmark icons, and when they click on it we can show a bootstrap modal with login/register ?

This will be good to attract people to register as they will see they get some options if they register.


Последние изменения: 21 Май 2016

Jeff VIP
Total posts: 745
20 Май 2016 11:51

Actually, I have already done this with a custom template and Improved AJAX Login & Register :-)

jimie VIP
Total posts: 531
20 Май 2016 12:59

Hey Jeff,

Possible to share it ? Even if I'd love Sergey to make it available in core.


Jeff VIP
Total posts: 745
21 Май 2016 03:01

Just above line <?php if(!$this->print):?>


<?php if(JFactory::getUser()->guest):?>
<div class="pull-right controls">
    <div class="btn-group">
    <a class="log-popup btn btn-co-control btn-mini" href="javascript:;" type="button">
        <img rel="tooltip" data-original-title="Sign in to add to bookmarks" alt="Sign in to add to bookmarks" src="/media/mint/icons/bookmarks/star/state0.png">
    <a class="log-popup btn btn-co-control btn-mini" href="javascript:;" type="button">
        <img rel="tooltip" data-original-title="Sign in to follow this article and get notifications" alt="Sign in to follow this article and get notifications." src="/media/mint/icons/16/follow0.png">
<?php endif;?>

Please note: this only works if you have Improved AJAX Login & Register installed and set to a hidden module position on your page.

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