jimie VIP
Total posts: 531
02 Окт 2015 08:36

Hey Sergey

Can you make it possible so that "Who can add value" can be used also when you list the values from sql source ?


Последние изменения: 05 Окт 2015

Total posts: 13,748
02 Окт 2015 13:37

But how can I add this? There should be also SQL to add values as well. technicaly it is possible but will be very hard for users to use that.

jimie VIP
Total posts: 531
02 Окт 2015 14:00

Maybe you can have there some options where user can specify exactly the db table where he want to new values to be inserted ?

Total posts: 13,748
05 Окт 2015 13:14

jimie Maybe you can have there some options where user can specify exactly the db table where he want to new values to be inserted ?

That is exactly how it should be done. But with what we have already will not be compatible. That probably should be whole new field that can connect to any table and work with it and on the form be a checkbox, radio, select or multiselect depending on input template. So single field that cover all selectable fields.

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