jimie VIP
Total posts: 531
06 Нояб 2014 12:14

Hello Sergey,

Something I think would be nice to be improved for "Register" field, currently it allows you to select multiple joomla user groups where the user to be added, but when someone submit the field renders a dropdown box which will force you to select only one user group, so that option is more or less useless as it is, so instead I was thinking about, adding a new parameter:

  • default user group ( this way you can select that user register under default joomla "registered" user group
  • other user group ( this will allow user to select also another user group while submitting )

In my case I`m using this on submit reviews page, and I have two profile types:

company ( under joomla usergroups: registered, company ) user ( under joomla usergroups: registered, user )

So I want when user submit review to also register if has no account, and currently the "register" field does not allow to register user under " registered & user usergroups )


Последние изменения: 07 Нояб 2014

Total posts: 1,113
07 Нояб 2014 10:23

Make some improvements. Now default group is group which setted in joomla manager settings, on submit new group just added.

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