jimie VIP
Total posts: 531
10 Июль 2014 05:02

Hello Sergey,

Today I just found that:

If you have an article which had a comment/review ( using cobalt types as comments ) and you delete that article accidentaly, your website may result on 404 error.

And that`s because the reivew/comment is trying to access the deleted article infos which can't be found anymore.

I think you should:

If an article is deleted then delete also it's corresponding comments/reviews otherwise this can cause problems on the website.


Последние изменения: 13 Июль 2014

Total posts: 13,748
10 Июль 2014 07:08


pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
10 Июль 2014 17:01

Sergey Fixed.

Are they deleted? Or do you keep the related records?

Maybe both solutions can be necessary and should be considered?!

jimie VIP
Total posts: 531
10 Июль 2014 17:32

Hello pepperstreet

I dont see why would you want to keep a comment/review on your website for something which does not exists anymore on the website, that may be confusing and useless I`d say.


pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
10 Июль 2014 18:18

jimie I dont see why would you want to keep a comment/review on your website for something which does not exists anymore on the website, that may be confusing and useless I`d say.

maybe in your case it makes no sense. I can emagine there are many other usecases for related child/parent records. If someone (user, moderator) is able to delete the parent... this might happen on purpose or even accidently... Then the related data would be lost immediately, too. No way to restore and repair anything. Also, there might be multiple parents and child connections! Example: A related movie directory like IMDB.com Deleting a movie, would remove all actors.

jimie VIP
Total posts: 531
10 Июль 2014 18:35

In this case here we are talking of using "Cobalt - Types as comments" in a type "Comments parameters" and not a parent and chield, but anyway I`ll let Sergey check your opinion :)


pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
10 Июль 2014 23:23

jimie In this case here we are talking of using "Cobalt - Types as comments" in a type "Comments parameters" and not a parent and chield,

Ooops, yes. Slightly different topic and use case ;)

However, sitebuilders might use the "Cobalt type as Comments" feature in another context and application. i.e. Attend an event; Job board and applicants; etc.

Anyway, it might come in handy to keep the "attached records".

Total posts: 13,748
11 Июль 2014 03:25

pepperstreet Are they deleted? Or do you keep the related records?

I delete them.

pepperstreet many other usecases for related child/parent records

It is not a related child/parent issue. It is cobalt type as comment. This is different.

pepperstreet Anyway, it might come in handy to keep the "attached records".

May be yes, but it contains link to non existing article which make no sense for article which is supposed to be only related record like review. If theer is no product anymore, you cannot keep review.

To me it absolutely make sense to delete those articles.

There is only one reason to let them stay - audit trail. When we delete with ability to restore. After restore those articles will be lost now. But since article snapshot is a very complex thing, it will be not easy to slove this problem. So it will work like this for now.

ron.du VIP
Total posts: 113
11 Июль 2014 15:43

I am just curious and want to know, what if comment type has its own child field ? for exmaple : if type " Review " has its own child field ( attachable by user )

Total posts: 13,748
13 Июль 2014 12:31

ron.du I am just curious and want to know, what if comment type has its own child field ? for exmaple : if type " Review " has its own child field ( attachable by user )

No problems. There is not limitation on relations depth and amount.

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